AICRP on Poultry
Origin & History
A centre of All India Co-ordinated Poultry Improvement Project for eggs was sanctioned by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Campus of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Mannuthy in the year 1976. This centre received 800 pullets and 204 cockerels of both ‘IWN’ and ‘IWP’ strains of White Leghorn in two consignments from Hyderabad centre on 20.06.1978 and 21.06.1978. This centre is being involved in selective breeding of IWN and IWP stains for egg production through intra-population selection. The technical programme assigned to this centre with time to time modifications over the years was adhered strictly in refining these populations.
The objective of the project during the initial years was to evolve a commercial strain capable of producing 200 standard sized eggs in 500 days, which received revisions during 1986, 1992 and 2000 to set higher targets of 250, 270 290 and 300 eggs respectively. The current goal of 305 eggs was set at XXVI workshop held at AAU, Anand in 2008. The target for egg size was fixed as 52g at 40 weeks of age in the XXVII workshop held at BAU, Ranchi.
These populations were subjected to selective breeding through intra-population selection (using individual, full sib and half sib information) only for egg production in first two generations. The decline in egg size in these populations well as in other stocks maintained at other AICRP centres prompted the need for the inclusion of egg weight also as independent culling level in the selection programme from third generation. The number of sires and dam bases used for breeding were 40 and 240 (1:6) respectively for many generations until S13. In S14, this was enhanced to 50 and (1:8). From the very next generation (S15), this was again modified as 50 and 300 respectively and is being followed till today. The population size for testing was 1500 pullets at housing in many generations from inception. The population size was further enhanced to 2500 from S17 generation which was again revised to a range of 2000 to 2500 from S20 generation. The age at selection was also received periodical revisions. These populations were selected for part record egg production to 280 days (40 weeks) for several generations in the beginning until S13 except in S9. A severe disease outbreak forced the scientists to advance the selection age to 32 weeks in the S9 generation.
The decline in residual egg production of strains maintained in different AICRP centres due to selection based on part-record egg production over several generations called for an upward alteration of testing period to improve the persistency in these populations. For the very same reason, the testing period of IWN and IWP strains was also enhanced from 40 weeks to 60 weeks (S18) to 64 weeks (S19). Since then the selection is being carried out based on egg production to 64 weeks.
Rigorous selection for egg production for several generations brought about early maturity in these populations as a correlated response. As per the workshop decision, age at housing was also advanced from 20 weeks to 18 weeks (S16) to weeks (S17) to enable the collection of complete egg production records. The natural pen mating with trap nesting followed in the earlier generation was discontinued with the introduction of artificial insemination in cages from S16 generation in the year 1997.
A genetic control population (CP) of 200 birds is being maintained along with the selected populations from S10 generation. The hatching eggs of control population are being supplied by PDP, Hyderabad in every generation.
Main objective
To develop a commercial layer of an average yield of 305 eggs during 500 days of age with 52 g average egg weight at 40 weeks of age and less than 1% laying house mortality per month.
Objectives-XIII plan
To develop location-specific chicken varieties and their dissemination for village poultry
Conservation, improvement, characterization and application of local native and elite layer germplasm
To develop a package of practices for village poultry and entrepreneurship in rural, tribal and backyard areas etc.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan, New Delhi (75%) &Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Pookode, Wayanad, Kerala (25%) Monitored by -Directorate Poultry Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.
Staff structure
- Senior Scientist
- Farm Manager / Assistant Professor
- Senior Farm Supervisor
- Farm Supervisor G I
- Farm Supervisor G II / Farm Assistant
- Section Officer
- Assistant
- Computer Assistant
- Class IV
Supporting staff
Details of livestock/ facilities available
Livestock |
Facilities / Infrastructure |
White Leghorn N strain |
Setter (2 no)- Capacity 15000 |
White Leghorn P strain |
Hatcher (2no)- Capacity 5000, 12000 |
White Leghorn Control population |
Egg Analyzer |
Tellichery |
Brooder Shed (2no) |
Native breed – Red |
Grower Shed (5 no) |
Native breed - Multicolor |
Cage Houses (4 no) |
Rhode Island Red |
Administrative and sales section |
Three-way cross (N*D*R) |
Projects (EAPs, State Plan)
Title of the Project |
Name of Principal investigator |
Funding Agency |
Fund Allocated |
Duration of Project |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. Beena C Joseph |
64.95 |
2019-20 |
Poultry Improvement for eggs (25%) |
Dr. Beena C Joseph |
State |
19 |
2019-20 |
Improving backyard poultry production by supplying crossbred chicks from improved hens |
Dr. Beena C Joseph |
state |
8 |
2019-20 |
Production and marketing of enriched chicken eggs |
Dr. Beena C Joseph |
state |
2.5 |
2019-20 |
Projects (EAPs, State Plan)
Title of the Project |
Name of Principal investigator |
Funding Agency |
Fund Allocated |
Duration of Project |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. P Anitha |
55.42 |
2011-12 |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. P Anitha |
56.25 |
2012-13 |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. P Anitha |
50 |
2013-14 |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. P Anitha |
36.94 |
2014-15 |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. P Anitha |
59.25 |
2015-16 |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
54.75 |
2016-17 |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
50.75 |
2017-18 |
AICRP on poultry breeding |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
61.65 |
2018-19 |
Poultry Improvement for eggs (25%) |
Dr. P Anitha |
20 |
2013-14 |
Athulya pullet production and feed production unit for Aiswarya project |
Dr. P Anitha |
70 |
2013-14 |
Poultry Improvement for eggs (25%) |
Dr. P Anitha |
16.67 |
2014-15 |
Athulya pullet production and feed production unit for Aiswarya project |
Dr. P Anitha |
70 |
2014-15 |
Poultry Improvement for eggs (25%) |
Dr. P Anitha |
17 |
2015-16 |
Improving backyard poultry production by supplying crossbred chicks from improved hens |
Dr. P Anitha |
15 |
2015-16 |
Poultry Improvement for eggs (25%) |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
16 |
2016-17 |
Improving backyard poultry production by supplying crossbred chicks from improved hens |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
30 |
2016-17 |
Poultry Improvement for eggs (25%) |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
25 |
2017-18 |
Improving backyard poultry production by supplying crossbred chicks from improved hens |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
20 |
2017-18 |
Production and marketing of enriched chicken eggs |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
7 |
2017-18 |
Poultry Improvement for eggs (25%) |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
17 |
2018-19 |
Improving backyard poultry production by supplying crossbred chicks from improved hens |
Dr. Binoj Chacko |
15 |
2018-19 |
After 40 years of concerted research in this centre, Poultry Scientists of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University succeeded in evolving a commercial layer named ILM-90 (ATHULYA) by crossing White Leghorn N Strain male with White Leghorn P strain female which yields more than 300 eggs within 72weeks of age. The parents used were improved genetic layer populations which has undergone selection in the centre itself. This hybrid layer is suited for commercial egg production in both deep litter and cages.
Physical characters
Plumage Colour
Comb pattern
Single comb
Shank colour
Body weight -16 wk
Body weight- 40 wk
Body weight -64 wk
Egg shell Colour
Economic performance
Egg Production up to 72 wks (Nos)
Mean egg weight (g)
Mean daily feed consumption(g)
Feed per dozen eggs(Kg)
Livability (%)
Research activities
Genetic improvement of layer populations
The strains that are being maintained in the centre are IWN &IWN strains, since they have been identified as most promising parents for producing commercial crosses for release by the Varietal Release Committee. The entire flock of each population will be maintained till 64 weeks of age. The present generation under study during 2020-2021 period belongs to S32 generation.
The following traits will be measured :
- Age at first egg
- Body weight at 16, 40 and 64 weeks of age
- Egg weight at 28, 40 and 64 weeks of age
- Egg production at 40 and 64 weeks of age and computation of egg production on hen housed and hen day basis.
- A random sample of 100 eggs will be utilized at 40 weeks of age, to measure albumin height and index, yolk height and index, shell thickness and Haugh unit score. The percentage of blood and meat spots will be recorded.
- Per cent fertility and per cent hatchability on total and fertile eggs set will be measured. The minimum expectation will be more than 85% fertility and 80% hatchability on fertile egg set.
- Mortality during the following periods,
- The minimum expectation will be less than 6 % mortality during 0- 8 weeks; less than 5% mortality during 9 - 16 weeks; less than one per cent mortality per month during the period 17 -64 weeks in the layer house.
- Only 300 females and 50 males will be selected from each population to reproduce next generation (only by artificial insemination). It is expected that in five hatches at ten days interval, a total of 2000 female chicks will be hatched for each population.
- A total of 1000 pullets for each population will be housed at 16 weeks of age in individual laying cages for generating the data pertaining to the traits mentioned at item No. 2. The desired number of males will have to be housed for each population.
- Only 200 males will be retained at 16 weeks of age, at the rate of two males per dam family. They may be housed either in cages or on deep litter in floor pens depending upon the available facilities.
- Hen-housed egg production up to 64 weeks of age will be the criterion of selection.
- Selection will be practiced in both the sexes for 64 weeks hen housed egg production and 28-week egg weight. Selection for egg production will be carried out on the basis of an index that takes into account individual production and its sire and dam family averages (Osborne, 1957 a & b). Selection for egg weight at 28 weeks will be utilized as independent culling level to be superimposed over the selection for 64 weeks egg number. For giving due weightage to viability in selection programme only hen housed family average need to be used in computation of Osborne index values.
- Based on the index values, only 450 pullets will be selected on the basis of egg production. Out of 450 pullets, based on the low early egg weight and shell thickness, 150 pullets will be rejected. Thus, finally only 300 pullets will be selected, which are good for egg production having better egg weight and with good shell thickness.
- The chicks will be sexed at hatching in all layer populations and all the females and only 900 males at the rate of 18 males per sire family will be saved. All male chicks will be dubbed.
- All centres will keep a sample of layer control females hatched from the hatching eggs received from the Project Directorate on Poultry (at least 100 females will have to be housed at 16 weeks of age). They will also be evaluated along with the selected populations.
Conservation, improvement and application of local native and elite layer germplasm
Development of location specific rural germplasm (Egg type)
Improved egg type breed/line (N) ♂x Local native
Farm Evaluation of F1--- F1♂ x RIR
Cross bred evaluation under farm and field conditions
Repeat of the above and supply of germplasm
- As technical programmes commenced in 2014 a population of Native breed of Kerala ‘Tellichery’ is maintained with a view to characterize the breed and for the improvement of Native chicken germplasm. Production performance upto S4 generations were analyzed and S5 generation is currently under evaluation.
- As a part of technical programme a three way cross was produced using White Leghorn N strain, Native germplasm and Rhode Island Red (NDR) and the performance study was completed upto 72weekks both under farm and field conditions.
- Being impressed on the consistent effort and dedication of the whole staff working here, DPR – Hyderabad awarded Certificate of Appreciation for the outstanding performance to this station during 2017 – 2018 & 2018-19
- Mitochondrial gene sequencing of Tellichery chicken and red native chicken was done and the two sequence from Tellichery and three from red native was published in the gene bank on August 25th 2020.
- Three way cross
In compliance with the technical programme a three way cross was developed using White Leghorn N strain, native germplasm and Rhode Island Red (NDR) and the performance study was completed upto 72weekks both under farm and field conditions.
3. Academic activities (Course/trainings offered etc…Details of cources will be collected through another format)
Extension activities
- Poultry Farmers Counseling
- Radio talk
- Popular articles in magazines, online mode and newspaper
- The centre has been acting as a nucleus farm/ breeder stock supplier to many Poultry farms under Department of Animal Husbandry, Kerala and germplasm supplier (improved and native chicken) to a large number of poultry farmers in the state.
- 1500 ready to lay pullets were supplied to 300 scheduled caste beneficiaries in one of the neighbouring panchayats, Madakkathara, Thrissur during 2019-20 under SCSP scheme with a view to provide nutritional support to SC community.
- The centre supplied a total of 6133687 table eggs and 938421 number of germplasm and generated revenue of Rs 4.637 crores during the last ten year period which justifies the need and importance of the centre.
- Giriraj, K., Narayankutty, K. and Veeramani, P 2008. Evaluation of reciprocal crosses of two White Leghorn strains for growth, production and feed efficiency traits under deep litter system. Indian Journal of Poultry Science 43 (2), 241-242
- Giriraj, K., Narayankutty, K. and Veeramani, P. 2008.Production traits in reciprocal crosses of two White Leghorn strains under deep litter system. Indian Journal of Poultry Science Indian Journal of Poultry Science 44 (2), 221-224
- Giriraj, K., Narayankutty, K. and Veeramani, P. 2008.Evaluation of reciprocal crosses of White Leghorn crosses for egg quality traits under deep litter system. Indian Journal of Poultry Science 43 (2), 239-240
- Giriraj, K., Narayanankutty K. and Veeramani, P. 2008.Evaluation of reciprocal crosses of white leghorn crosses for egg quality traits under deep litter system. Indian Journal of Poultry Science Indian Journal of Poultry Science 44 (2), 231-234
- R.RChurchil, K Narayanankutty, P EzhilPraveena and Preethymol Joseph. 2009. Influence of pre incubation storage period on fertility, hatchability and embryonic mortality pattern of two pedigreed flocks of White Leghorn. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, March 2009.
- R.R. Churchil, K. Narayanankutty, P. Exhil Praveen and Raseena Karim, (2010). Influence of egg dimension characters on fertility and hatchability traits in White Leghorn birds. Indian Veterinary Journal, 87(1): 53-56.
- K. Narayanankutty, R.R. Churchil, P. EzhilPraveena and Raseena Karim, (2010). Fertility, hatchability and embryo mortality pattern of defective eggs in White Leghorn chicken, Indian Veterinary Journal87 (3): 291-293
- D. Sukumar, A. Jalaludeen and P. Anitha, (2012). Effect of dietary phytase supplementation on certain hematological and skeletal parameters in White Leghorn strain cross birds. Wayambra Journal of Animal Science, (August 12, 2012; Number 1348914942).
- P. G. Kumar, R.R. Churchil, A. Jalaludeen, K. Narayanankutty, L. Joseph, A. Kannan and P.Anitha. (2013) .A survey on village chicken production in Kerala State of India .World’s Poultry Science Journal 69 (4): 917-929
- P. Ponnuvel, K. Narayanankutty and P.Anitha. 2014. Effect of phytase enzyme supplementation in low energy and low protein diets on the production performance of layer chicken. The Journal of field Veterinarians 9(4): 39-42
- Ponnuvel P., Narayanankutty K and Anitha P. 2014. Effect of Phytase Enzyme supplementation in Low Energy-Protein Layer Diet on Egg Quality Traits. Journal of Animal Research Volume 4, Issue 1:115-120
- P. Ponnuvel K. Narayanankutty A. Jalaludeen P. Anitha .2014. Economics of phytase enzyme supplementation in low energy-protein layer chicken diet. International Journal of Livestock Production. Vol. 5(7), pp. 113-116
- Ponnuvel P.and Binoj Chacko (2017). Effect of phytase supplementation in low energy – protein layer diet on availability of certain trace minerals. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci.4:31-34.
- Kumar P.G., R.R. Churchil, A. Jalaludeen, K. Narayanankutty, P.A. Peethambaran, P.E. Praveena, B. Chacko and AjithBabu (2016). Egg production and certain behavioral characteristics and mortality pattern of indigenous chicken of India. Anim. Genet. Resour. 59:27-36.
- Binoj Chacko (2017) Genetic analysis of egg production and allied characters in two long term selected strains of White Leghorn. International Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Science Vol 8 Number 3 2019 page 1669-1678.
- Beena C Joseph, C.S Suja, Binoj Chacko, P. Anitha and S. Harikrishnan (2019).Performance of Native chicken of Kerala selected over three generations. Proceedings of Kerala Veterinary Science Congress, Pookode. p. 213-214.
- C.S.Suja, K.Mani, A.MohamedSafiullah and D.Kannan.Quality of eggs laid by commercial White Leghorn layers fed with graded Levels of iodine. International Journal of Animal & Veterinary Sciences March 2019 Vol 6 page 14-18.
- C.S.Suja, K.Mani, A.MohamedSafiullah and D.Kannan.Histology of thyroid gland during the production of iodine enriched eggs in commercial White Leghorn layer. Journal of Poultry Science & Technology January – March 2019 issue 1 Vol 7 Page 12- 14.
- C.S.Suja, K.Mani, A.MohamedSafiullah and D.Kannan.Study on the production of value added iodine enriched chicken eggs through dietary supplementation. Journal of Poultry Science & Technology Jan – March 2019, issue 1 Vol 7 page 08-11.
- C.S Suja, Binoj Chacko, P. Anitha and Greeshma Girijan – Effect of dietary supplementation of Marigold petals, red Amaranth leaves, Curry leaves and Turmeric powder on egg yolk pigmentation in native birds of Kerala and white leghorn layers. Veterinary Research International, September 2019volume, page 146-148
Nucleotide sequence submitted in National Center for Biotechnology Information, (NCBI) Genebank Website
- Suja,C.S., Beena,C.J., Binoj,C., Anitha,P., Arun,T.R., Geo,J., Jamuna,V. and Tina,S.(2020) Molecular Characterization of Tellichery chicken breed of Kerala based on complete sequence of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region, GENEBANK ID:MT488420.VRT 13-MAY-2020
- Suja,C.S., Beena,C.J., Binoj,C., Anitha,P., Arun,T.R., Geo,J., Jamuna,V. and Tina,S.Molecular Characterization of Tellichery chicken breed of Kerala based on complete sequence of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region, GENEBANK ID:MT488421.VRT 13-MAY-2020
- Suja,C.S., Beena,C.J., Binoj,C., Anitha,P., Arun,T.R., Geo,J., Jamuna,V. and Tina,S.Molecular characterization of indigenous chickens of Kerala based on complete sequence of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region. MT470266. GENEBANK ID:VRT 13-MAY-2020
- Suja,C.S., Beena,C.J., Binoj,C., Anitha,P., Arun,T.R., Geo,J., Jamuna,V. and Tina,S.Molecular characterization of indigenous chickens of Kerala based on complete sequence of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region. GENEBANK ID: MT470267. VRT 13-MAY-2020
- Suja,C.S., Beena,C.J., Binoj,C., Anitha,P., Arun,T.R., Geo,J., Jamuna,V. and Tina,S.Molecular characterization of indigenous chickens of Kerala based on complete sequence of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region. MT470268. GENEBANK ID:VRT 13-MAY-2020
Services offered (How to avail service, fee for services, timing)
Table eggs, Hatching eggs, chicks, growers, layers, culled bird and manure available from the station are sold according to the availability. The price of each items are fixed by the university from time to time. The sales of item are from the farm sales section from 10am-12pm and 2pm-3pm on all working days.
Farmers counseling is provided in the center for the farmers on all working days.
Name, Designation and passport size photo of faculty
Dr. S. Sankaralingam
Senior Scientist
/Assistant Professor
Dr.Suja C S
Assistant Professor
- Dr. S. Sankaralingam - Senior Scientist/Assistant Professor
- Dr. Suja C.S- Assistant Professor
Contact Us:
AICRP on poultry for eggs, Mannuthy, Kerala -680651
Dr. S. Sankaralingam - Phone:04872370237
Dr. Suja C.S- Farm Manager/Assistant Professor-8281446079
Senior Scientist,
AICRP on poultry for eggs,
Mannuthy, Kerala -680651
A few good photos, preferably ‘in action’
Supply of ready to lay pullets to scheduled caste beneficiaries in Madakkathara, panchayats under SCSP scheme during 2019-20.
Any other points relevant to the unit
- ICAR-DPR – Hyderabad awarded ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ for the outstanding performance to AICRP on poultry for eggs station during 2017–18 & 2018-19.
- Mitochondrial sequencing of Tellichery and red native chicken of Kerala was done and the 5 sequences (2 Tellichery and 3 Red native) were published in the Gene bank.