Directorate of Farms
Directorate of Farms was established, with the aim to provide information, knowledge guidance and technical support to produce high quality animal products safely, efficiently and responsibly, ensuring the sustainable livestock production.
Mission and madate
The Directorate is responsible for the planning and supervision of various research projects under the state plan and centrally sponsored schemes in various farms. The Directorate of farms supports and guides Post graduate and Doctoral research by the way of offering experimental units and other research facilities in different farms of the university. The Directorate is responsible for setting up of model farms of livestock and poultry for transfer of need based appropriate technologies among a range of personals including farmers, researchers, extension officers, veterinarians, dairy technologists, policymakers, entrepreneurs, non-governmental agencies and other intermediary organizations and to encourage them to demand relevant knowledge by way of supporting farmers as well as university farms to produce more animals, milk, meat and egg, This Directorate has a pivotal role in assuring food security of the state.
P.Vijayakumar : Assistant Registrar (Hr.Gr)
Phone No: 9446094975,
Utilizing the State plan fund , Farm Advisory Centre with training facilities was estabilished under the Directorate of Farms to create a pool of experts for project formulation and monitoring for commercial farms and to establish facilities for onsite visit, tecchnical analysis and remedial measures for livestock farmers.
Conducted online debate for farmers lasting for 30 days entitled “Karshaka Souharda Samvaadha Parambara- Veterinary Doctorodu Chodhikkam.” in association with Academic Staff College.
Published a hand book entiteld “Mruga paripalanam – Saasthrathinte vazhikal” in association with the Academic Staff College.
Two state plan projects are operated at Directorate :1.Strengthening of Farm Advisory Centre and 2. Updating the benchmarks of state animal production.
Appellate Authority: Director
PIO: Assistant Registrar
Name of the Director |
Tenure in the office |
Dr. A.P. Usha |
01-12-2014 to 26.07.2023 |
Dr.K.M.Syam Mohan |
From 27.07.2023 continuing |
Contact details of the office
Directorate of Farms, 1st Floor, CPPR Building, Mannuthy -680651
Phone No:9446831300, E mail :,