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FCDA Training Notification - ULF & FRDS Mannuthy | Rank List - Office Attendant(Employment Exchange through) -Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant under RF Project - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant Production Manager(Daily wage) - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy | Rank list - Junior Quality Control Officer - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuhty
The Madras Government in 1950 started this station under the post-war development scheme of Animal Husbandry department with office at Perinthalmanna. This was transferred to the Animal Husbandry Department of Government of Kerala in 1956 which was later handed over to the KAU in February 1972. It was renamed as Livestock Research Station on 14.08.78. The station has an area of 163.3 ha.
The major objective of the centre is to conduct research work on scientific breeding of livestock and its management, and fodder production. From 1983, a unit of the AICRP on Agroforestry with the main objective of collection, screening and selection of promising germplasm of indigenous and exotic species of trees from similar ecological regions is functioning. From 2009 a project on buffalo improvement was also started with the objective of research on improving the performance of buffaloes. Conservation of indigenous germplasm of Attappady goats is also now an objective of the station. Imparting trainings to farmers and technical persons is also now undertaken.
Basic data on the production and reproduction traits of crossbred dairy cattle have been generated and recorded for selection of superior performing animals, so as to maintain an elite herd. The farm maintains crossbreeds of Holstein, Jersey and Swiss Brown breeds.
The station has a herd strength of about 290 Crossbred dairy cattle, 40 Murrah breed of buffaloes and 50 Attapady breed of goats with a well-knit recording system on their production and reproduction traits. Besides the station has a large expanse of 50 hectares under fodder cultivation with different high yielding fodder varieties including CO-3, CO-4, Killikulam, IGFRI-1, HN-1 and Guinea grass. The other fodder grass varieties like Para grass, Congo-signal, Signal grass, Setaria, Andropogon, and cereal fodders like Maize and Sorghum are also cultivated in the station. The fodder tree varieties in the station include Glyriccidia sp., Sesbania sp., Subabul and Calliandra sp. There are two Bunker silos each of 80 tonne capacity and seven pit silos of 50 tonne capacity each for the ensiling of grass. It is also equipped with a Hay bailer, three tractors, a Blower type Chaff cutter and a feed mixing unit.
Training facility with lecture hall, hostel, audio visual aids and hands on practical training for farmers in the farm on Dairy Production, Fodder Production, Buffalo Production, Goat Production, Fodder Preservation, and Skilled labour training in Animal husbandry. The station provide veterinary aid and artificial insemination facility in the locality.
Internship and Farm training facility for the B.V.Sc. & A.H, B.Tech (Dairy), and Dairy Diploma students. Also On-Job Training for the Vocational Higher Secondary Students in Livestock Management Course.
Dr. A. Prasad
Associate Professor & Head
Assistant Professor