1. Name of the service for sale: Screening of pesticide residues, heavy metals, antibiotic residues, aflatoxins, vitamins & minerals.
2. Name of department/unit offering the service: Central Instruments Laboratory,CVAS, Mannuthy
3. Collection/sales point: Central Instruments Laboratory, CVAS, Mannuthy
4. Time and days when service/sales is available: 9am to 5pm on all working days.
5. Pre-booking if available for the service: By direct call or email.
6. Materials to be given for testing, how to collect the materials, volume of material required, details of preservation if required, and mode of accepting the materials:
a) Vegetables/Fruits & water for pesticide analysis ( 100g or 100ml)
b) Drinking water for heavy metal analysis(100ml)
c) Milk for antibiotic residues (refrigerated) (100ml)
d) Suspected feeds for aflatoxins (50g)
e) Food products for vitamins and minerals (100g)
7. Fee for the service/Unit price for the item sold: Rs. 2000/- per sample/ parameter
8. Mode of payment: Net banking/Cash ;Payment Details : Principal Investigator, Revolving Fund, CoVAS, Mannuthy; SBI Account: 67323754386; IFSC :SBIN0070210
9. Approximate time to give results/to fulfil the booking: One week
10. How the results will be intimated: Direct/e-mail
11. Contact person/phone number/e-mail ID to get more details: Prof. (Dr.)V. Ramnath,
Mob: +91 9446579057 E-mail: ramnath@kvasu.ac.in