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FCDA Training Notification - ULF & FRDS Mannuthy | Rank List - Office Attendant(Employment Exchange through) -Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant under RF Project - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant Production Manager(Daily wage) - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy | Rank list - Junior Quality Control Officer - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuhty
Dr.Sudheesh S Nair
Designation: - Assistant Professor Address: - Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary and Animal sciences,Pookode Mobile No: - 8111842340 , 7012792977 Email ID: - |
M.V.Sc. (Veterinary Surgery & Radiology ) Veterinary College,Hebbal, Bangalore , University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. INDIA November 2004 . 9.0/10(OGPA)
B.V.Sc & A.H. College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Kerala Agricultural University , Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA . June-20027.5/10 (OGPA)
Surgical Oncology ,
Soft tissue surgery ,
Duration : 29 March 2015 till date
Institution College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Thrissur, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Kerala, INDIA
Duration : 20 July 2012 to 28 March 2015
Institution Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Fisheries and Animal Sciences University Hassan, Karnataka ,INDIA
Duration : 1 Year 2 months (7 May 2011 to 19-07-2012 )
Institution : ANIMAL RAHAT(RELIEF) –PETA-US Working Animal Welfare Program of World’s largest Animal Protection movement
Duration : Five Years (20 June 2005 to 19 June 2010)
Institution : Indian Army Remount & Veterinary Corps, Ministry Of Defense, Govt of India
Duration : 8 months (01 Oct 2004 to 31 May 2005)Institution : District Animal Husbandry Office, Animal Husbandry Department, Govt of Kerala
Best Paper Presentation Award – Animal Health Sciences section, 7th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress , KVASU pookode 15-17 Nov 2015
Gold Medal And Best Paper Award In Equine Surgery Session –Annual congress of Indian Society of Veterinary Surgery 2013.
Gold Medal for Best Paper in Wild and Zoo Animal Surgery Session of Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery,2017
Gold Medal for Best Paper in Wild and Zoo Animal Surgery Session of Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery,2018
Gold Medal for Best Paper in Radiology and Imaging Session of Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery,2018
Appreciation Award – Large Animal Poster Session - Annual congress of Indian Society of Veterinary Surgery 2013.
Appreciation Award for Best Paper in Avian Surgery Session of Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery,2018.
High Altitude Meritorius Service Medal – Indian Army Remount Veterinary Corps 2008.
UGC sponsored Orientation Programme , University of Calicut conducted by UGC- HRDC Academic Staff college from 03-08-2017 to 30-08-3017
Collaborative workshop organized by Edinburg Napier university Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education and KVASU on developing a nursing curriculum at the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from 16-27 Nov 2015
Career Advancement for Faculty Training on "Imaging and Minimal Invasive Diagnostic Techniques in farm and pet animal practice " Madras Veterinary College - 5- 25 November 2014
Young Officers course and Basic Military Training at Remount Veterinary Corps centre and College Meerut, Indian Army , GOI
1. Capt S.S. Nair and Col AK Shukla (2006,Sep) Surgical management of conjunctival habronemiasis in A GS Mule : A case report. Remount Veterinary Journal , pp 181-18.
2. Nair,S.S. and Vasanth, M.S. (2006,Dec). Comparative evaluation of extracapsular extraction and cryoextraction of cataractous lens in dogs . Remount Veterinary Journal ,pp 203-204.
3. Nair,S.S. and Vasanth, M.S. (2007,May). Gross changes at surgical site following cataract surgery in dogs. Indian Veterinary Journal, 84:368-369.
4. Nair,S.S. and Vasanth, M.S. (2007,May).Incidence of cataract and haematological and biochemical changes during lens extraction in dogs. .Indian Veterinary Journal ;84:476-478.
5. Nair,S.S. and Vasanth, M.S. (2007,May). Changes in intraocular pressure following cataract surgery in dogs. Indian Veterinary Journal ;84:525-526.
6. Capt S.S.Nair and Col AK Shukla (2007,Dec) Permanent reconstructive surgery (Hotz celsus technique for entropion in mules . Remount Veterinary Journal ,pp 227-228
7. Capt S.S. Nair and Col AK Shukla (2008,Mar) Sublingual fistula in a MA mule: A case report. Remount Veterinary Journal , pp 15-16
8. Capt S.S. Nair and Col AK Shukla (2008,Jun) Surgical management of and extensive cutaneous fibroma durum in a Mule: A case report. Remount Veterinary Journal , pp 95-96
9. Capt S.S.Nair and Col AK Shukla (2008, Jun) Congestive heart failure due to valvular disease caused by an extramural growth on the tricuspid valve in a GS Mule: A case report. Remount Veterinary Journal ,pp 105-106
10. Capt S.S. Nair, Col AK Shukla and Col Tej Ram (2008,Sep) Surgical management of a mesenteric lymphoma in a Pommeranian dog: A case report .Remount Veterinary Journal ,Sep 2008 pp167-168.
11. Sudheesh S. Nair, L. Suresh, N. Nagaraju and M.S. Vasanth (2013) Surgical management of linear intestinal foreign body in a dog .Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, June 2013pp 74
12. Sudheesh S. Nair, L. Suresh, N. Nagaraju and M.S. Vasanth (2013) Surgical management of sertoli cell tumour in a German shepherd dog. Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, Jun 2013pp 78.
13. Sudheesh .S. Nair, L. Suresh, M. S. Vasanth. Bovine Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) In Working Bullocks : Three Case Reports. Frontier Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Vol –No-2 No-1 January to June 2013 , pp 69-70
14. Sudheesh .S. Nair, Nagaraju, N., Suresh,L and Vasanth, M.S. Multiple Intraluminal Vaginal Polyps ina Bitch ; A Case Report. Frontier Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Vol –No-2 No-1 January to June 2013 , pp 71-72
15. Suresh, L., Sudheesh Nair, S. And Nagaraj, N “Successful Surgical Correction of Symphyseal Fracture of Mandible in a Dog – A Case Report” -. Frontier Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Vol –No-2 No-1 July to Dec2013 , pp 148-149.
16. Sudheesh.S.Nair , V.J. Udayasree and A.M Muralidhara Canine pododermatitis and its therapeutic management: A case report .(Intas Polivet (2013) Vol.14(II): 412-413.
17. Suresh L., Sudheesh S. Nair, Nagaraju., N, Guruprasad, R . Umbilical hernia in a rabbit: A case report. Indian Veterinary Journal Indian Vet Journal., May 2014,91(05) : 69-70
18. Clinical demodicosis in an immunosuppressed dog- A case report. Mamatha GS ,Sudheesh S Nair ,Guruprasad R and Thimmareddy PM. Frontier J Vet and Anim Sciences, Vol-3, No-2 (July-Dec 2014)
19. Naveenkumar GS, Sudheesh S Nair, Suresh L and Nagaraja C.S Ultrasound Diagnosis of Cryptorchidism in sheep . Frontier Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Vol 4.No 1 Jan –Jun 2015
20. Anoop.S., Sudheesh S.Nair., Karthika.S and Devanand.C.B. Inguinal Hysterocoele and its surgical management in a female dachshund dog. Malysian Journal of Veterinary research.7(2): 31-34. 2016
21. Sudheesh S Nair., C.B.Devanad .,S Anoop., and H.H.Vasanth Kumar.Surgical Maanagent of Patent urachus and congenital urethral stricture in a calf : A case report. Indian Veterinary journal September 2017,94(09)49-50
22. P.S.Reshma.,Ambily ,R.,Shanthala Hubli.,Sudheesh S Nair., Soumya Ramankutty .,Vasanth Kumar .,Roshin M Reji., Nakka Aiswarya and M Mini. Isolation and molecular detection of Cornybacterium pseudotuberculosis from a case of umbilical abscess in a kid. International Journal of Sciences Environment and Technology. Vol .6, No 5,2017 Pp 2827-2832.
23. S. Anoop., V.P Athira.,V. Vysakh., M.S.Abhijith.,A.S.Thajunnissa.,Soumya ,R , S.N.Sudheesh , Devanand.C.B.Ocular Setariasis and its Surgical Retrieval in a Horse - A Case Report. Indian Veterinary journal May 2018,95(05)88-89
24. Soumya, R., Sudheesh, S. Nair., Athira, V.P., Anoop, S., Narayanan, M.K. and Devanand, C.B. Tube cystostomy for management of struvite urolithiasis in male goats: a review of six cases International Journal of Sciences Environment and Technology. Vol. 7, No 3, 2018, 895 – 899.
25. Soumya, R., Sudheesh, S. Nair., Anoop, S., and Devanand, C.B Midoesophageal foreign body obstruction and its surgical management in a calf . International Journal of Sciences Environment and Technology. Vol. 7, No 4, 2018, 1264 – 1267.
26. Sudheesh S Nair, V.P. Athira, R. Soumya, S. Anoop, M.K. Narayanan and C.B Devanand. Perineal Urethrostomy for Successful Management of Urolithiasis in a Male Buffalo Calf. International Journal of Sciences Environment and Technology. Vol. 7, No 4, 2018, 1268 – 1271.
27. Anoop S., Athira V P., Sudheesh S Nair., Aswathy P., Ramankutty Soumya ., B Dhanush Krishna and Devanand C B. 2018. Sertoli cell tumour of ectopic testis and its surgical management in a dog. Indian Journal of Canine Pract.174-176
28. Tejaswini K.G ,Usha Narayana Pillai, Madhavan Unny N and Sudheesh S Nair. Osteodystrophia Fibrosa in a Goat - A case report The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences & Biotechnology (2018) 14( 2) 64-65
29. Sudheesh S nair., Athira. V P, R.Soumya., Anoop. S, Narayanan M K and Devanand. C B 2018 . Ventral hernia with evisceration in a Roller pigeon (Columba Livia) and its surgical management. Indian Vet.J. 95(12) : 76