Research News, Initiatives & External aided projects
Major thrust areas
- Zoonoses diagnosis, surveillance, control, prevention and eradication
- Occupational hazards and diseases associated with live animals
- Control of vectors and reservoirs( domestic and wild life)
- Prevention and control of food-borne illness of animal origin
- Participation in outbreak investigations
- Environmental activities including air, water quality monitoring, hazardous waste management etc.
- Biomedical research
- Emergency actions including natural and man-made disasters
- Organization and Management of VPH Programmes.
- Education, Training and Extension in VPH.
Research projects (last 10 yrs)
- Microbiological quality assessment of duck egg production chain
- Occurrence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in fishes and its public health significance
- Assessment of quality of well water in Eloor, Kerala
- Assessment of microbial quality, adulterants and preservatives in pasteurized milk
- Application of polymerase chain reaction for rapid evaluation of hygienic status of milk
- Microbial quality and safety of raw milk with reference to contamination.
- Assessment of Bacterial quality and shelf life of pasteurized milk
- Bacterial quality of raw milk at the society level with special reference to quality assurance programme
- Bacterial quality of milk at the point of production with special emphasis on the quality assurance programme.
- Microbial Quality Assurance of Milk in its production, processing and storage.
- Microbial Quality Assurance of Dahi during its production and storage.
- Effect of refrigeration on the quality of beef frankfurter and chicken pepperoni.
- Evaluation of bacteriological quality of beef carcasses in meat processing plant
- Evaluation of bacteriological quality of pork carcasses in a processing plant
- Evaluation of bacteriological quality of processed chicken
- Bacteria of public health significance in broiler dressed chicken
- Isolation and identification of certain bacteria of public health importance from market milk
- Bacterial profile of market beef and its public health significance
Externally Aided Projects
- ICAR AD HOC Research project on ‘Bacterial quality assurance of meat in processing plant- KAU
- ICAR AD HOC Research project on ‘Evaluation of quality of market milk with special reference to quality assurance programme in Kerala
- ICAR project on outreach programme on Zoonotic disease.
Research News and Events
- Evaluated hygienic quality of market beef, chicken and pork
- Developed organic acid based sanitizers to improve the microbiological quality of meat
- Developed HACCP based Integrated Quality Assurance Programme for cattle , pig and poultry slaughter lines for commercial meat processing plant in Kerala
- Evaluated hygienic status of various meat and dairy products.
- Monitoring of chemical and microbiological quality of raw and pasteurized milk marketed in the state
- Developed a HACCP module for pasteurized milk production
- Evaluated microbiological quality of curd during production processing and storage
- Developed PCR protocol for rapid detection of pathogens from milk
- Developed PCR protocols for rapid detection of hygienic status of milk
- Evaluation of quality of well water in Eloor , Kerala to assess the physio-chemical and microbiological quality and high values of total hardness, fluoride, iron, lead, aerobic plate count and coliforms was observed