Department Profile
Department of Dairy Extension
The Department of Dairy Extension was added as the 7th department in the College of Dairy Science and Technology as per No.379 of the KVASU first statutes - G.O. (P) No.108/14/AD dated 19.5.2014. The departmentis intended not only for teaching, but also to take up activities relating to transfer of technology and field oriented surveys, short term and long term trainings and research activities. The facilities for the department are building up and one Assistant Professor is the permanent staff. The classes handled by the department are as given:
B. Tech (Dairy Technology)
· DBM 1104 – Communication Skills (1+0)
· DBM 2208 – Fundamentals of Dairy Extension (2+1)
· DBM 2107 – Co-operative Dairying and Food Safety Regulations (1+0)
· DBM 3113 – Dairy Plant Management (1+0)
· Field Extension Training
M. Tech programmes
· PGS 502 - Technical Writing and Communication Skills (2+0) – Non credit