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FCDA Training Notification - ULF & FRDS Mannuthy | Rank List - Office Attendant(Employment Exchange through) -Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant under RF Project - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant Production Manager(Daily wage) - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy | Rank list - Junior Quality Control Officer - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuhty
Dr. Lasna Sahib
Designation: - Assistant Professor Address: - Aashiyaan, Valeya Veed, Shanthi Nagar, MLA Road, Erattakulam P.O, Palakkad, Pin - 678682 Mobile No: - 9495133891 Email ID: - |
Aashiyaan, Valeya Veed, Shanthi Nagar, MLA Road, Erattakulam P.O, Palakkad, Pin - 678682
Ruminant Nutrition
Best paper award in “Food safety concerns of livestock products” in National conference on “Innovations in animal production for sustainability and doubling farmers’ income” organized by ISAPAM in Jan 2019