DEPARTMENT: Dairy Husbandry
Faculty & Staff
Dr. Yancy Mary Issac
Designation: - Assistant Professor
Mobile No: - 9400275900
Email ID: -
Educational Qualifications
- M.V.Sc (Animal Nutrition)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Rural Development(PgD- SRD)
Area of Research
Title :Study on the impact of management practices on the milk somatic cell count, milk yield and quality
- Outlay : 5 Lakhs
- Funding Agency: State Plan
- Duration : One year
Work Experience
- College of Dairy Science and Technology, Mannuthy, Thrissur
- College of Dairy Science and Technology, Mannuthy, Thrissur
- Department of Animal Husbandry, Kerala
- Thiruvananthapuram Regional Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Limited (MILMA), Kerala
- College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookot, Wayanad, Kerala
- Venkateshwara Hatcheries Private Limited, Hosur, Tamilnadu
- PuratchiThalaiviDr J. Jayalalitha Endowment award for the best lady student in M.V.Sc degree programme in TANUVAS (2008)
- DrSakkubaiPaturiRamachandran and DrSivaramakrishnierRamachandran Gold Medal for the best and outstanding girl student in M.V.Sc degree programme in TANUVAS (2008)
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended an ICAR sponsored short course for 10 days on “Clinical Nutrition Approaches for Gut health of Animals” from March 16-25, 2017 at IVRI, Bareilley organized by ICAR Niche Area of Excellence in Clinical Nutrition, Division of Animal Nutrition, IVRI.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended an ICAR sponsored short course for 10 days from 16th to 25th November 2015 on Production of Designer Milk, Meat and Egg by Dietary Manipulation organised by Department of Animal Nutrition, VCRI, Namakkal
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended a training programme for 2 days from 10th to 11th October 2012 on Rabies Diagnosis organised by CDIO, Trivandrum.
- DrYancy Mary Issac Participated in 3 day foundation course in Fruit processing, jack fruit products making and food processing organised by Gandhi centre for Rural Development, Trivandrum from 12.10.2012 to 14.10.2012 at Gandhi Bhavan, Thycadu, Trivandrum.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended an Off campus training programme on Change Management in Extension Organization to meet the emerging challenges for 4 days from 16th to 19th October 2012 at KSVC, Trivandrum.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended a training programme for 5 days from 17th to 21ST December 2012 on Autopsy Techniques with emphasis on Modern Rabies diagnosis organized by Directorate of Entrepreneurship at the Department of Veterinary Pathology, COVAS, Mannuthy.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended a training programme for 3 days from 2nd to 4th January 2013 on Avian disease Diagnosis and management organised by organized by Directorate of Entrepreneurship at the Department of Veterinary Pathology, COVAS, Pookod.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended a training programme for 3 days from 4th to 6th June 2013 on Role of Livestock, Poultry and Fisheries in Food Security, at SAMETI, Trivandrum, Kerala.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended a training programme for 2 days from 30thtoto 31stJuly 2013 on Detection of anthelminthic Resistance in Small ruminants, organized by SRDDL, IAH &VB, Hebbal, Bangalore.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended a training programme for 3 days from 9thto 11th October 2013 on Promotion of Mechanization in animal Husbandry, at SAMETI, Trivandrum, Kerala.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended a training programme for 2 days from 23rd to 24thJanuary 2013 on Rapid diagnosis of avian Influenza organized by SRDDL, IAH &VB, Hebbal, Bangalore.
- DrYancy Mary Issac attended a 4 days Orientation Workshop for Assistant Professors of KVASUat COVAS, Pookode from 4th to 7th February2014, organized by Directorate of Entrepreneurship, KVASU.
- A. K. Pattanaik and Yancy, MI. 2020. Recent advances in the implications of gut microbiome for improved health outcome in companion animals. In: Understanding host gut microbiome crosstalk for augmenting feed efficiency and economizing livestock production, Centre of Advanced Faculty trainingin Animal Nutrition, ICAR – Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, India. pp.66-70.
- A. K. Pattanaik and Yancy, MI. 2019.Probiotics for farm animal health: A reemerging concept in the era of antibiotic resistance. In:Dietary Manipulation for improving energetic efficiency and reducing methane emission in ruminants, Centre of Advanced Faculty training in Animal Nutrition, ICAR – Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, India. pp.161-167.
- Valli, C., Yancy, M.Is and Kavitha, R., 2019.Customizing the requirements of fibrolytic enzymes to improve feeding value of sorghum stover, ragi straw and groundnut haulm. Indian Journal of Animal Research:53:1462-1468.
- Yancy M.I; C. Valli, and V. Balakrishnan, 2015.Evolving customized Non Starch Polysaccharidase mixture for effective utilization of sorghum stover and Groundnut haulm. Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal SciencesResearch.45(1): 476-481.
- Yancy, M.I., Valli, C and Balakrishnan, V. 2011.Enhancing utilization of sorghumstover and groundnut haulm by pre-treating them with Non - starch Polysacchridse mixture.Tamilnadu Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences7(3): 150-153.
- Nishanth, P., M.I. Yancy, A. Kanann, P.C Saseendran and S.Pramod, 2010.Effect of cool hour feeding during summer season on the physiological and hematological parameters of crossbred cows in mid lactation.Veterinary World, 3(1): 21-22.
- Yancy M.I; C. Valli, and V. Balakrishnan, 2016. Comparison of FibreFractions and Non-Starch Polysaccharide Content of sorghum stover and Groundnut haulm. In :Proceedings of Kerala Veterinary Science Congress: 402-403.
- Jini, G and M.I. Yancy, 2009.Swine Flu- A pandemic outbreak. Veterinary World2 (12): 472- 474.
- Yancy M.I; A. John,Sreeparvathy, Jini.G and C. Balusami, 2010.Managemental practices to control ascites in a flock. Veterinary World3(5): 250-252.
- Yancy M.I; C. Valli, and V. Balakrishnan, 2010.Non Starch Polysaccharidase- a potent tool in improving fibre digestibility in ruminants.Veterinary World3(3): 142-144.