

College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences , Pookode


DEPARTMENT: Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology

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Dr.Sujith S Dr.Sujith S
Designation: - Associate Professor
Address: - Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode
Mobile No: - 9539511273
Email ID: - sujith@kvasu.ac.in

Educational Qualifications


Area of Research

Title : Project for the assessment of the parasitic load in livestock of Thiruvalla Municipality and its impact on the production performance funded by Dept. of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Kerala (2008)

  • Outlay : Rs 40,000
  • Funding Agency: Dept. of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Kerala
  • Duration : 1year

Title : Identification of mechanisms of anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of ruminants of northern Kerala and effect of phytochemicals in resistant nematodes (2015-2017)

  • Outlay : Rs 15.43 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: KSCSTE
  • Duration : 2years

Title : Identification of locally available plants having potent antifungal and antimicrobial properties (2012-13

  • Outlay : Rs 4 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: State Plan project
  • Duration : 1 year

Title : Ethnopharmacological studies at COVAS Pookode (2013-14)

  • Outlay : Rs 4 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: State Plan project
  • Duration : 1 year


Work Experience

  • Associate Professor- 1 year
  • Assistant Professor- 13 years
  • Veterinary Surgeon (AHD): 5 years


  • Best paper presentation for the Ethnopharmacology session in the Annual Conference of Indian Society for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology held at Chennai in November 2005
  • Second best poster in Ethnoveterinary medicine session, in the XXXIII Annual convention of Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine, held in Pookode, Kerala from 22nd to 24th January, 2015.
  • Best paper presentation award in the Animal welfare and Alternate animal use session of XIX Annual conference of ISVPT and National symposium on Pharmacogenomics in the development and validation of indigenous drugs held at CVAS Mannuthy from 18-20th December 2019
  • Best paper presentation award in the 35th Kerala Science Congress in the Environmental Sciences Section, held at Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology, Kuttikkanam, February 2023
  • Best Paper Award in the 42nd Conference of Scoiety of Toxicology, held at University of Calicut during November 2023
  • Best paper award in the 36th Kerala Science Congress in the Veterinary and Fisheries Sciences Session, held Government College Kasaragode during February 2024


  • Recombinant DNA tools and cell culture techniques, Dept. of Biotechnology, LLRUVAS, HISAR, Haryana from 10.10.2012 to 30.10.2012.
  • Orientation programme in Academic staff College, Kerala University from 3.10.2013 to 30.10.2013.
  • Application of Bioinformatics in Drug Designing and Pharmacovigilance, Dept. of Bioinformatics, TANUVAS, Chennai from 12.2.104 to 14.2.2014.
  • Faculty Development training for Assistant professors conducted by KAU and KSVC at Veterinary College Pookode from 12.7.2010 to 16.7.2010.
  • Training in SPSS, M& E cell, KVASU
  • Short term training programme in Analytical Instrumentation in ACESSD, MG University, Kottayam from February 1-3, 2012.
  • Modern Analytical techniques used in Veterinary & Animal Sciences by M&E Cell, KVASU from 30.7.2014 to 1.8.2014.
  • Skill Development training on Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics Tools for advanced life sciences research by SAAPBT, CVAS Mannuthy from 1/8/2019 to 14/8/2019



  • MD Jida, Divya Rajaselvi, AR Nisha, S Sujith, S Suja Rani, Varuna P Panicker. 2023. In silico molecular docking study of milk-derived peptide against biofilm forming Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. J. Phytopharmacol. 16 (2): 421-424.
  • N Divya Rajaselvi, MD Jida, Devu B Nair, S Sujith, Nisaath Beegum, AR Nisha. 2023. Toxicity prediction and analysis of flavonoid apigenin as a histone deacetylase inhibitor: an in-silico approach. In Silico Pharmacol. 11 (34): doi.org/10.1007/s40203-023-00170-4
  • VJ Krishnanjana, S Sujith, Devu B Nair, Nisaath Begum. 2023.  Acaricidal activity of methanolic extract of leaves of Cleistanthus collinus(Roxb.) Benth. Ex Hook.f Materials Today: Proceedings Article In Press
  • Devu B Nair, S Sujith. 2023. Evaluation of cytotoxic effect of methanolic extract of Saraca asoca bark in MCF-7 cell line. Materials Today: Proceedings Article In Press
  • Sherin Thomas, SS Roshni, Sneha Geevargheese, Rohit Mohanan, S Sujith, Nisaath Begum, AR Nisha, Krishnaprasad G Koorse, S Surya. 2023. Antiproliferative effect of methanolic and aqueous extract of Duranta erecta in C127I Cell Line  J. Ani. Res. 13 (4): 623-627  
  • M Arya, AR Nisha, S Sujith, SS Rani, N Thomas. 2023. Berberine as an Efflux Pump Inhibitor against Quinolone Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J. Ani. Res. 13 (4): 493-500  
  • Devu B Nair, Sujith, S., Roshni, S.S., Sneha G., Nisaath Begam and  Nisha, A.R. 2023. Antiproliferative effect of methanolic extract of Saraca asoca bark and its possible targets of action. J. Phytopharmacol. 12 (2): 70-75.
  • Merin Das V. J., Priya M. N., Asha Rajagopal, Bindu Lakshmanan and Sujith S.2023. Detection of anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal. strongyles of cattle in Thrissur district, Kerala. J. Vet Ani Sci.
  • R. Shankar, Preethy John, A.R. Nisha, S. Sujith, R. Uma, V. Keerthika and Archana Raj. 2022. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis of methanolic extract of Magnolia champaca leaves. J. Vet Ani Sci.
  • Bimitha Benny, A Sandeshkrishna, Sujith Samraj, Preethy John and Uma Radhakrishnan. 2022. Differential expression of steroidogenic genes in MCF-7 cell lines by methanolic extract of Mallotus phillippensis. J. Phytopharmacol. 11 (6): 378-385
  • A Sandeshkrishna, Bimitha Benny, Sujith Samraj, Preethy John and  Uma Radhakrishnan. 2022. Modulatory potential of   on steroidogenesis by targeting in-vitro expression of CYP 19 and StAR genes in MCF-7 cell lines. J. Phytopharmacol. 11 (6): 407-413.
  • Poonghuzhali R, Sujith S, Nisha AR, Nair SN, Priya MN. 2022. Phytopharmacological characterization of different extracts and fractions of Cyclea peltata. J. Phyto Pharmacol. 11(3): 155-158.
  • Sandesh Krishna A, Bimitha Benny, Preethy J, Sujith S, Uma R, Nisha AR. 2022. Cytotoxicity of Methanolic Extract of Seed Coat of Tamarindus indica. Int. J. Pharmacognosy Phytochem Res.14(1): 1-5.
  • Sandesh Krishna A, Bimitha Benny, Sujith S, Preethy J, Uma R. 2022. Modulatory potential of Tamarindus indica seed coat on oestrogen and progestogen secretion in MCF-7 cell lines. J. Phyto Pharmacol. 11(2):75-78.
  • Bimitha Benny, A Sandesh Krishna, Sujith S, Preethy J, Uma R. 2022. Cytotoxic and antiproliferative potential of methanolic extract of Mallotus phillippensis in MCF-7 cell line. J. Phyto Pharmacol.  11(2):60-63.
  • Arya Mohan, A.R. Nisha, S. Sujith, S. Suja Rani Naicy Thomas. 2022. Antibiofilm activity of berberine and capsaicin in combination with quinolones against Staphylococcus aureus from bovine mastitis. J. Vet Ani. Sci. 53(2): 253-261.
  • Mathew Jacob, Suja Rani S, Shankar R, Archana Raj, Sujith S. 2022. An experiment-based approach for selecting optimal dosage of carbon tetrachloride for research studies on fatty liver disease. Pharma Innov.11(5S): 816-820.
  • Keerthika, V., Nisha, A.R., Sujith S., Shankar, R., Arya Mohan and P. Gowtham. 2022. In vitro Anticancer activity of silver nanoparticles biosynthesized from Seeds of Sesamum indicum against Dalton’s Lymphoma Ascites. J. Anim. Res. 12(1): 25-33.  
  • Sujith S, Usha PTA, Juliet, S, Bibu John, Raji K, Shynu M. 2021. Determination of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) levels in packed and raw cow milk from Thrissur, Kerala. Int. J. Life Sci. 9(4): 401-406.
  • Dhanusha G, Sujith S, Nisha A R, Bibu J K, Raji K, Aathira KK, Haima J S. 2021 Modulation of steroid hormone synthesis by alcoholic extract of Asparagus racemosus on MCF-7 cells. J. Phyto Pharmacol 10(6): 429-432.
  • Sujith S, Usha PTA, Bibu John, K., Raji, K., Shynu, M. and Juliet, S. 2020. Effect of 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in the total cholesterol and oestrogen content of MCF-7 cells. Int. J.Appl. Pure Sci. Agri. 6: 18-23.
  • Sujith, S., Priya M N., Deepa, C.K. and Usha P.T.A. 2018. Characterisation of anthelmintic activity of Murraya koenigii Linn. Pharmacognosy J. 10 (6): s100-s103.
  • Sujith S, Deepa C K, Priya M N, Darsana U, Sreedevi R, Lucy K M. 2015. In-vitro Efficacy of Various Extracts of Murraya koenigii Leaf Against Gastrothylax crumenifer. Int. J. Pharmacognosy Phytochem Res. 7(3) : 604-607
  • Sujith S, Deepa CK, Priya M N Darsana U, Sreedevi R and Lucy KM 2015. Anthelmintic Activity of Vitex Negundo Leaf Extracts Against Ova and Third Stage Larvae of Haemonchus Contortus. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 30 (1): 1329-1334.
  • Sujith S, Sreedevi, R., Priya M N, Deepa C K, Darsana U., Sreeshitha S G, Suja R S and Juliet S. 2015. Anthelmintic activity of three Indian medicinal plants. Int. J. Pharmacognosy Phytochem Res. 7(2) : 361-364.
  • Sujith, S., Sreedevi, R., Suja R. S., and Juliet, S. 2015. Evaluation of Tamarindus Indica Seed Coat for its Antimicrobial Activity and Acute Oral Toxicity Int. J. Applied Pure Sci. Agri. 1(3): 13-18
  • Sujith, S., Sreedevi R Suja Rani. S and Juliet, S. 2015. Antifungal Activity of Selected Indian Medicinal Plants. Int. J. Applied Pure Sci. Agri.1(2): 92-96.
  • Sujith S., Deepa, C.K., Asif, M.M., Pramod, V.S., Sreedevi, R., Priya, M.N. and Suja, R.S. 2014. Anthelmintic activity of methanolic extracts of three medicinal plants against Ascaridia galli. Life Sci. Int. Res. J. 1 (1): 148-151.
  • Sujith, S., Sreedevi, R., Suja, R.S., Anusree GK., Juliet, S., Aneesha, V.A. Reshma, R., Shameer, M. 2014. Screening of different Indian medicinal plants for antibacterial activity against human and animal pathogens. Life Sci. Int. Res. J. 1 (1) :165-151
  • Sujith S, Sreedevi R, Suja R S, Anusree G K, Aneesha V A, Shameer M, Reshma R and Juliet S 2013. In vitro antimicrobial and antifungal activity of leaf extracts and fractions of Annona squamosa and Senna alata. Proceedings of the National conference on phytodrugs and human healthcare (NCPDH), Anna university, Coimbatore p. 90-94.
  • Karthika, P.R., Sujith, S., Pramod, S., Priya, K., Mangesh, H and Usha P.T.A. 2018. Prophylactic effect of Tribublus terrestris on cyclophosphamide Toxicity in Wistar rats. Int. J. Applied Pure Sci. Agri. 4(7): 38-44
  • Krishnaprasad, G.K., Sujith ,S., Preethy, J., Priya M.N., Devi, S.S., Usha, P.T.A., Surya, S. and Gleeja V.L. 2018. Anthelmintic activity of fruit extract and fractions of Piper longum L. invitro. Pharmacognosy J. 10 (2): 333-340.
  • Krishnaparasad, G.K., Surya, S., Sujith, S., Preethy, J., Priya, M.N., Devi, S.S. and Usha P.T.A. 2018. Invitro efficacy of various fruit extracts of Duranta erecta and Piper longum against adult amphistomes. Int. J. Pharmacognosy Phytochem Res 10 (4): 165-169
  • Priya M.N., Jain, J.K., Sujith, S., Deepa, C.K., Ajithkumar, K.G., Bindu, L. and Reghu, R. 2017. Molecular identification of carrier status of Theileriosis and Babesiosis in dairy cattle of Kerala. Int. J. Sci. Environ. Tech. 6 (4): 2712-2717.
  • Praseena, P., Juliet, S., Sujith , S., Suresh N N., Leena, C., Ajith J.G., Gopakumar, N., Koshy, J. and Reghu, R. 2016. Ameliorative effect of Vitamin E on Azithromycin induced biochemical and histological changes in tissue of rats. Adva. Anim. Vet. Sci. 4 (2): 85-90
  • Sindhu, K, Sujith S, Jacob, M, Juliet S and Suja R S. 2015. Phyto-chemical Characterisation and Evaluation of Neuropharmacological Activities of Mallotus Philippensis (Lamk) Muell. Arg. Int. J. Applied Pure Sci. Agri. 1(3): 29-38.
  • Sindhu, K., Sujith, S., Mathew, J., Adarsh Krishna, T.P., Suja Rani, S. and Juliet S. 2015. Phyto Chemical Characterisation and In-vivo Antipyretic Activity of Allophyllus cobbe L. (Raeusch.) Int. J. Pharmacol. Phytochem Res. 7(4): 810-814
  • Sreedevi R, Sujith S, Suja RS, Anusree GK, Reshma R, Aneesha VA, Shameer M and Juliet S. 2013. Invitro antimicrobial and antifungal activity of leaf extracts and fractions of Azadirachta indica and Vitex negundo. Proceedings of the National conference on phytodrugs and human healthcare (NCPDH), Anna university, Coimbatore p. 85-89.
  • Sreedevi, R., Sujith, S., Suja, R.S., Anusree, G.K. and Juliet, S. 2015. Antimicrobial activity of Mallotus phillipensis and Allophyllus cobbe. Int. J. Toxicol. Pharmacol. Res. 7(4): 200-203
  • Priya, M.N., Darsana, U., Sujith S., Deepa, C.K. and Lucy, K.M. 2015. Effect of various extracts of Ocimum sanctum and Vitex negundo on Gastrothylax crumenifer. Int. J.Toxicol. Pharmacol. Res. 7(4): 180-184

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