DEPARTMENT: Animal Nutrition
Faculty & Staff
Dr. Jasmine Rani K.
Designation: - Assistant Professor
Mobile No: - 9387091476
Email ID: -
Educational Qualifications
Area of Research
- Ruminant Nutrition
- Poultry Nutrition, Pet and Lab animal Nutrition
- Research on nutritional values of the various pastures and fodders
- Methane mitigation
Research projects completed
- Principle Investigator of State Plan (2016-17) – “Effect of essential oil on rumen metabolism and methane production assessed In Vitro”
- KSCSTE student project 2020 “In vitro evaluation of Couroupita guianensis flowers on rumen metabolism and methane production in cross bred cattle’
Work Experience
- Senior Research Fellow, AICRP, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Kerala Agricultural University (06-08-2007 to 18-8-2008)
- Veterinary Surgeon (10-11-2008- to 11-03-2015)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, CVAS, Mannuthy (11-03-2015 to 28-06-2022)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, CVAS, Pookode ( 29-06-22 - Continuing)
- Won the best paper award for oral presentation in the International conference on “Herbal and Natural Components as Future of Pharmacology” on February 2017.
- Won the best paper award for poster presentation at the National Seminar on Role of the Veterinary Profession in Sustainable Development to improve Livelihoods, Food security and Safety on 28th April 2018
Trainings imparted
- Course coordinator of training entitled “ Management and Handling of Laboratory animals for Research” from 12-07-22 to 14-07-22
- Course coordinator of “Training on newer trends in cattle feeding and feed production” from 25-6-2019 to 26-06-2019
Trainings undergone
- Faculty development programme on “Towards a digital era of teaching and learning” organized by UGC- HRDC, University of Kerala from 12-08-2020 to 18-08-2020
- Training programme on “Research Techniques used in Veterinary and Allied Sciences”at CIL, CVAS,Mannuthy from12-03-2019 to 16-03-2019
- ICAR sponsored winter school on Livestock and Climate change: Comtributary key factors and Practical Strategies for Amelioration at NIANP, Banglore from September. 1-9-2017 to 21 -9-2017
- Training programme on Research Methodology for faculty members of KVASU at Institute of Management in Government from 20-11-2017 to 24-11-2017
- Orientation programme on Academic Leadership by Academic Staff College, CVAS, Mannuthy from 11.02. 2016 to 09.03.2016
- Hands on Training on Basic Molecular Biology Techniques at CVAS, Mannuthy from 14.07.2015 to 21.07.2015
- Jasmine Rani K., Dildeep V., Ally K., Syam Mohan, K.M. Aravindakshan T.V. and Anil K.S. 2022. In vitro assessment of nutrient digestibility and microbial biomass production of total mixed ration supplemented with different levels of thermostable yeast in crossbred dairy cows. Journal of Indian Veterinary Association. 20 (1):23-32
- Jasmine Rani K., Dildeep V., Ally K., Syam Mohan, K.M. Aravindakshan T.V. and Anil K.S. 2022. Effect of supplementation of biotin in total mixed ration of dairy cows on rumen fermentation characteristics by in vitro gas production technique. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 2022. 53 (2) : 285-291
- Nisna N., Jasmine Rani K. and Ally K. 2021 Nutrient evaluation of Couroupita guianensis fruits and flowers and effect of feeding Couroupita guianensis flowers on growth and haemato - biochemical parameters in Wistar rats Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2021. 52 (1): 32 - 35
- Jasmine Rani, K., Ally, K., Sajith Purushothaman. and Anil, K. S. 2019. The effect of feeding hydroponic fodder maize on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in cross bred calves. Journal of Entamology and Zoology studies. 2019, 7(6). pp.489-492.
- Jasmine Rani, K., Ally, K., Shyama, K and Sajith Purushothaman. 2018., Nutritional evaluation and effect of feeding hydrponic fodder maize on the haematobiochemical parameters in crossbred calves. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2019, 50(1) pp.57-62
- Jasmine Rani K, Shyama K., Chithrima Seethal C.R. and Ally K. 2018. Effects of Fennel Seeds on Biochemical and Haematological Parameters of Wistar Albino Male Rats Fed on High Fat-Diet. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences.8 : 13206-13209.
- Jasmine Rani K., Chithrima Seethal, C. R., Surej, J. B., Ally, K. and Shyama, K.2016. Effect of Dietary Incorporation of Neutraceutical residue on Growth Performance and Haematological Parameters in Cross Bred Calves. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences.6:10747-10752.
- Chithrima Seethal, C. R., Jasmine Rani K., Surej, J. B. and Ally, K. 2016.Effect of Dietary Incorporation of Ksheerabala Residue on Dry Matter Intake and Nutrient Digestibility in Cross Bred Calves. International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology. 7: 7-11.
- Bimal, C. B., Jasmine Rani, K. and Chithrima Seethal, C. R. 2016. Successful management of Hepatogenous Photosensitization in a Cross bred Heifer. Journal of Indian Veterinary Association, Kerala 2016, 14(1) Journal of Indian Veterinary Association, Kerala. 14:95-97
- Shyama, K., Rajkumar, G., Jasmine Rani, K. and Thirupathy, V. 2016. Effect of feeding Hydroponic Fodder Maize as Partial Protein Supplement on Growth Performance in Kids. Journal of Indian Veterinary Association, Kerala.14: 32-36.
- Jasmine Rani, K, Ally,K., Chithrima Seethal, C. R., Surej Joseph Bunglavan, Gangadevi, P. and Shyama, K. 2016, Dietary Incorporation of Ksheerabala Residue and Its Effect on Nutrient Utilisation, Growth Performance and Blood Biochemical Parameters in Crossbred Calves. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition.33(4) 383-387.
- Jasmine Rani, K., Ally,K., Chithrima Seethal, C. R., Surej Joseph Bunglavan and Rajkumar, G.2016. Effect of Dietary Incorporation of Nutraceutical Residue (Alfalfa Pellet) on Dry matter Intake and Nutrient Digestibility in Cross Bred Calves. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.47:78-81.
- Jasmine Rani, K. Ganga Devi, P., Mercy, A.D. ,Syama K. and Sujatha, K. S. 2007.Effect of Restricted Milk Feeding on the Performance of Cross Bred Calves. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition. 24: 130-132.
- Jasmine Rani, K. Ganga Devi, P., Mercy, A.D. and Shyama K. 2009. Effect of Restricted Milk Feeding on Blood Biochemical Profile in Cross Bred Calves. Journal of Indian Veterinary Association, Kerala.9:19-23.