DEPARTMENT: Livestock Production & Management
Faculty & Staff
Dr. John Abraham
Designation: - Professor
Mobile No: - 9447617194
Email ID: -
Educational Qualifications
MVSc., Ph.D., MBA., MSc (Psychology)., MSc (Counseling Psychology)
Area of Research
Work Experience
- Amal Jyothi First Prize in Yuva Master Mind- 2019
- DST-Lockheed Martin-India Innovation Growth Programme-2016 winner for my invention “Renewable bio-fuel production from chicken slaughter waste”.
- Millennium Alliance National Award-2016 for my invention” Low cost manual milking machine
- Teaching and Research Excellence National Award-2019 awarded by IRDP Group of Journals
- Dr. Verghese Kurien’ Memorial Best Scientist Award 2016-17 awarded by Bose Science Society,
- Dr. G. Nirmalan Trust Research Award’-2016
- ‘Best Teacher Award-2015’ of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
- Dr. Vaithilingam Rathnasabhapathy Award for the best innovation during the year 2012
- 1st Rank for Ph.D. in TANUVAS during the year 2012
- TANUVAS Gold Medal for Veterinary and Animal Sciences for the best Ph.D. Student
- Dr. P. Richard Masillamony endowment award for the best outgoing Ph.D. Student in both Veterinary and Fisheries Faculty-2012
- TANUVAS Alumni Association gold medal for the best Ph.D. Scholar
- S.K.M Animal feeds and foods award for the best Ph.D. student in Avian Studies
- Refresher training course on “Newer perspectives in dairy farm management for enhancing productivity” organised by Base Farm , Kolahalamudu, KVASU, from 03/07/2019 to 16/07/2019. .-14 days
- Winter school on “Livestock and Climate Change: Contributory key factors and practical strategies for amelioration” from 1st September 2017 to 21st September 2017 at National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru.-21 days
- Technology commercialization and entrepreneurship workshop held from April 16-21, 2016 at Goa organised by DST-Lockheed Martin conducted by Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Winter school on “Livestock Based Livelihoods Options: Current Status, Emerging Issues and Future Scenario in Combating Agrarian Crisis.” From 05.11.2014 to 25.11.2014 (21 days). Organised by the Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu.
- Professional Development Workshop at Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh from January 13-17th 2014.
- Training on “Alternate poultry production system for socio-economic development”. Centre of advanced studies in poultry science, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal. Tamil Nadu- 21 days
- Summer School on “Optimizing teaching learning in state Agricultural University Systems Conducted by the National Academy of Agricultural Research Management Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. 21 days
- John Abraham (2020) Swine Production and Management(Text Book). CRC Press, Francis & Taylor. 1-249.
- John Abraham and V.T. Bhale. 2018. Effect of different creep rations on the growth of Malabari pre-weaner kids. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants. 24 (1): 62-65.
- John Abraham, Jyothi. S.B and Chintu Ravishankar (2017) Comparison of two new digester designs for bio-gas production using cattle dung as substrate. (2017) Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management. Vol.33(3-4) 31-33.
- John Abraham, Ramesh Saravanakumar, Francis Xavier and Deepak Mathew (2015) Biodiesel production from broiler chicken waste. International Journal of Biological, Bio-molecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering. Vol: 9, No: 12, 2015
- John Abraham (2014) Micro-climatic modifications to hatch emu eggs at high altitude area Indian Veterinary Journal, September, 2014; 91(9) 111-112.
- John Abraham and Ramesh Saravanakumar (2014) Effect of two methods of fat extraction on the proximate composition of poultry carcass meal. Indian Veterinary Journal, March, 2014; 91(3) 16-18.
- John Abraham, Ramesh Saravana Kumar, Kulkarni V.V, Singh A. P and Visha. P (2014) Yield and quality Characteristics of rendered chicken oil. Journal of American Oil Chemist Society Vol. 91 (1) pp 133-141.
- John Abraham and Reghu Ravindran (2009) Studies on the Aroor System of Sustainable Duck Rearing in Kerala. International Journal of Poultry Science 8 (8): 804-807
- John Abraham (2008) Development of a simple electrocautery for field veterinarians. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 78 (1) 54-55, January 2008.
- John Abraham, S. Biju and Indu V. Raj (2007) Malignant Histiocytosis in a dog. Indian Veterinary Journal December 2007; 84: 1314
- John Abraham, Indu. V. Raj, Bindu Lakshman, Biju. S. (2007) dIcephalic monstrosity in a heifer. Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction. Vol 28, issue 2: December 2007: 109-111.
- John Abraham, Spencer Francis, N. D. Nair, S. Biju and Indu V. Raj (2007) Malignant mixed Mammary Sarcoma in a Bitch. Indian Veterinary Journal September 2007; 967-968.
- Abraham, J., Satyapaul, Chhabra, A.K and Chandrahas (2004) Effect of Early-weaning, Split-weaning and Nursery feeding programs on the growth of Landrace x Desi pigs. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 36 (6): 599-608
- John Abraham, A. K. Chabra and Chandrahas (2004) Influence of different weaning methods on the survivability and economics of Landrace x Desi Pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management Vol. 20 (1-4) 1-7 December 2004.
- John Abraham and R.P.Verma (2003) Development of a simple and modified Thigesen’s Fetatome for field applications. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences.73 (4): 59-00, April 2003
- John Abraham, Chhabra A.K and Chandrahas (2003) Effect of Split-weaning and Lighter-half Split-weaning along with Nursery feeding on the Reproductive performance of ‘Landrace x Desi’ Sows. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 73(6):85-00 June 2003