

Verghese Kurien Institute of Dairy and Food Technology , Mannuthy


DEPARTMENT: Dairy Microbiology

Faculty & Staff

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Dr. Balusami Chinnappan Dr. Balusami Chinnappan
Designation: - Professor
Address: - Dept. of L.P.M, CV & AS Pookode
Mobile No: - 9446510821
Email ID: - balusami@kvasu.ac.in

Educational Qualifications



Area of Research

1.Title: Improvement on Rural Livelihood Security by Establishment of Satellite Piggery Unit in Wayanad District

  • Outlay : Rs.170 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana -(RKVY)
  • Duration : Two years

2.Title : Grassland Development and Establishment of Fodder Nursery for Fodder Security of Wayanad

  • Outlay :Rs.7.24 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana -(RKVY)
  • Duration : One year

3.Title: Improvement on Rural Livelihood Security by Establishment of Satellite Piggery Unit in Wayanad District

  • Outlay : Rs.170 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana -(RKVY)
  • Duration : Two years

4.Title : Grassland Development and Establishment of Fodder Nursery for Fodder Security of Wayanad

  • Outlay :Rs.7.24 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana -(RKVY)
  • Duration : One year

5.Title: Mega seed on pig project

  • Outlay : Rs.58.00 lakhs
  • Funding agaency: ICAR

6.Title : Introduction of Emu to Wayanad as Alternate

  • Poultry for Egg and Meat
  • Outlay :Rs.7.24 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana -(RKVY)
  • Duration : One year

7.Title : Establishment of goat nursery and satellite goat farms in schedule caste clusters of Wayanad,Kerala

  • Outlay :41.25 lakhs
  • Funding Agency: ICAR-SC sub plan
  • Duration : 2 years



Work Experience

  • Integrated farm management modules for small scale livestock production system
  • Impact analysis of different management practices for sustainable livestock production
  • Biotic and abiotic stress alleviation protocols in livestock
  • 16 years of experience.


  • Awarded ICAR-Senior Research Fellowship for Ph.D programme
  • Awarded ICAR Junior Research Fellowship for MVSc programme
  • Fellowship for scientific research in the field of Veterinary and Animal sciences on 11 th day April 2013 by Fellow of Bose Society(FBSS) & Fellowship number F90/BSS/2013
  • Dr.APJ.Abdul Kalam Distinguished fellow awards for 2016-17. Boss Science Society, Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu
  • Awarded as Member of Scientific Advisory Board of International Journal of Livestock Research (NAAS score-5.36) in Recognition of outstanding contribution to quality of journal in year 2017
  • Awarded as Member of Scientific Advisory Board of International Journal of Livestock Research (NAAS score-5.36) in Recognition of outstanding contribution to quality of journal in year 2018
  • Awarded as Member of Scientific Advisory Board of International Journal of Livestock Research (NAAS score-5.36) in Recognition of outstanding contribution to quality of journal in year 2019



  • Short course on Modern techniques in pig semen processing and Artificial Insemination.ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute,Ela,Old Goa from 22.10.2018 to 31.10.2018
  • Information Communication Technology Mediated Agricultural Extension The division of Agricultural Extension, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi freom 02.08.2016 to 22.08.2016
  • National Training on Weather based management of Livestock and Poultry from 04.03.2013 to 08.03.2013 (5 days) at Department of Livestock Production and Management, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-600 007
  • Winter school on “Functional genomic approaches for enhancing fertility in livestock” from 22.11.2011 to 12.12.2011 (21 days) at National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Audugodi, Bangalore
  • Summer School on “Management of Wildlife Health and Diseases” from 03-10-2007 to 23-10-2007(21 Days) at Dept. of wildlife sciences, Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai.
  • “Current Trends in Poultry Management” from 22-02-2006 to 14-03-2006 (21 Days) at Centre of Advanced Studies in Poultry Science, VC&RI, Namakkal, TANUVAS.
  • HRD Training for Assistant Professor from 31-01-2006 to 04-02-2006 (5 Days) at Central Training Institute, Mannuthy.




Research Papers

  • Balusami.C, Ranganadham.M and D.K. Bidarkar. (2004). Effect of phosphate and bicarbonate buffers on nutrient digestibility and growth performance in growing buffalo calves. Indian Journal of Dairy Science.57, March-April, 2,118-121
  • Balusami.C, Sivakumar.T, and N.Akila. (2007). A study on prevailing buffalo production systems in Tamil Nadu.Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management.21(1-4), 106-109.
  • Balusami.C, Sivakumar.T, and N.Akila. (2008). A study on blood biochemical profiles of lactating buffaloes. The Indian Veterinary Journal 85(9), 1011-1012.
  • Balusami.C, and Sivakumar.T (2007) Reproductive performance of buffalo in North East Zone of Tamil Nadu.Tamil Nadu Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science.3(2):109-112
  • Priya P.M, Gururaj.K., Balusami.C. Asif.M Ashraf, Sreejith. J.R. and Vivekanand Mishra. (2008) Chronic Urinary Tract Infection in Swine caused by Streptococcus zooepidemicus The Indian Veterinary Journal 85:809-810
  • Priya. P.M, Deepthi. S.Pillai, Balusami.C Rameshkumar and P.Senthamilselvan (2008) Studies on Outbreak of “New Duck Disease” in Kerala, India International Journal of Poultry Science.7(2),189-190
  • Lonkar,V.D. Anoop and C.Balusami (2008) Peotomy in Drake.The Indian Veterinary Journal 86:198-199
  • Murugan S.S, Balusami C, Joseph M, Kumar G, Shamily T.M, Singh V.K, Krishnan R.S.G, Singh R.K, and Varghese R.Economic feasibility of commercial broiler farming in high altitude of Kerala Congress, Kerala Science and Technology-2012
  • T.V.Raja,K.A.Bindu and C.Balusami (2014) Prediction of adult body weight In Attapady Black Goats: A Multivariate Path Analysis Approach The Indian Veterinary Journal.91(10):198-199
  • Senthil Murugan,S*.,Balusami C , Shamly .T. M., V.K.Singh,Remya Krishnan .S.G.,R.K.Singh and Minu. R.Varghese(2014).The Influence of High Altitude on Economic Efficiency of Broiler Farming in Kerala, India.Indian Journal of Natural Sciences International Bimonthly 4(25)-1734-1740
  • Balusami.C,2015 Milk constituents of Non-Descript and Graded Murrah buffaloes in Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences -International Bimonthly.5(28)-2475-2479
  • Balusami.C,2015 Studies on some productive traits of Non-Descript and graded Murrah buffaloes in Tamil Nadu, India.Indian Journal of Natural Sciences International Bimonthly.5(28)-2667-2673
  • Balusami.C,2015 Study on managemental practices and mortality pattern of buffaloes calves in Tamil Nadu.'International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences'January to April 2015 issue
  • Balusami.C, 2015.Breeding practices and calving pattern of buffaloes under field condition of Tamil Nadu.'International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences VOL.5/ISSUE 29/April 2015
  • Sakkariya Ibrahim NP, Manju Sasidharan, Biya Ann Joseph, Biju.S, Balusamy C, Joseph Mathew (2015). A study on goat farming in Kerala.Indian Journal of Natural Sciences International Bimonthly5(28):2502-2508
  • Anoopkumar, T., Balusami, C., Sanis Juliet., John Abraham and Kannan, A. 2015 Identification of Oestrus Specific Pheromones in Crossbred Dairy Cattle of High Range Zone.Indian journal Natural Sciences June, 2015 Vol.5 / Issue 30. Pp. 7228- 7234
  • Vijaya T. Bhale., John Abraham and Balusami, C. 2015.Hematological and Biochemical Profiles of Malabari Pre-weaner Kids fed Different Creep Rations.Indian journal Natural Sciences.June, 2015 Vol.5 / Issue 30. Pp. 7224- 7227
  • Kotresh Prasad, C., John Abraham., Balusami, C., Anoopkumar, T. and Vijaya, T.B.2015 Effect of Nutritional Flushing on the Reproductive Performance of Malabari Does Indian Journal Natural Sciences June, 2015, Vol.5 / Issue 30.pp. 7235-7239
  • Raseel, K., Kotresh Prasad, C. and Balusami, C. 2015.Performance of pre-weaning piglets under scientific and conventional feeding system in hilly regions of Wayanad In: Compendium, Kerala Veterinary Science congress; 14th and 15th, November, 2015, Pookode. Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
  • Raseel, K., Kotresh Prasad., Balusami, C. and Sunanda, C. 2015.Study on effect of climatic changes on productive performance of cross bred pigs in humid high range zones of Wayanad In: Proceedings of 25th Swadeshi Science congress; 15th to 18th, December, 2015, Kalady, Ernakulam, Kerala.
  • Kotresh Prasad., John Abraham., Roshin, A., Balusami, C. and Sunanda, C. 2015 Utilization of poultry carcass meal as a protein source in goat feed In: Proceedings of 25th Swadeshi Science congress; 15th to 18th, December, 2015, Kalady, Ernakulam, Kerala.
  • Senthil Murugan.S, Balusami.C,Jiji.K.K and Asif.M.M 2016.Proximate composition,fibre fraction values of Environmentally adapted fodder varieties in Wayanad District,Kerala,India.Int. Journal of Science, Environment and Technology.5(5):2855-2860
  • Vijin. V. L, Balusami. C, John Abraham, Roshin Anie Jose and Senthil Murugan.2017. Effect of anti-stress supplementation on Haemato-Bio-chemical Blood profiles in early weaned Piglets. 2017. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences. Vol.8 (43) 12651-12652.
  • Kotresh Prasad., John Abraham. Balusami.C. Roshin.A. J and S Senthil Murugan. 2017. Haemato-Biochemical Profiles of Malabari kid fed broiler concentrate diet. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants.23:94-96.
  • Jyothi. S. B, John Abraham and Balusami. C .2017. Effect of climate on production and composition of bio-gas from different animal waste. Invertis Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 7, No. 4. Pp.208-210
  • Sreekutty, P.S., Senthil Murugan., Dildeep, V.,Biju Chacko and Balusamy.C.2017 Chemical compostion of cashew apple waste.Shanlax International Journal of Veterinary Science.5:7-9
  • Deepak Biradar, John Abraham, Balusami. C.Sakkariya Ibrahim N.Pand Sachin. S.P.2018. Effect of different milking system on the yield and quality of milk from cross bred cows. The pharma Innovation Journal. 7(10):411-413
  • Sachin, S.P, Roshin A.J, Balusami, C, John Abraham, Deepak Biradar, Ashitha, K and Sakkariya Ibrahim. 2018. The Effect of dietary fat supplementation on the production performance of Malabari does during early and mid-lactation. The pharma Innovation Journal. 7(10):431-434.
  • Ashitha K, Balusami C, John Abraham, Senthil Murugan, Sunanda C, Sudharsan C and Shradha Shetty. 2019. Influence of brooding systems on microclimatic variables in pig farm. Kerala Veterinary Science Congress. 368-370
  • Shradha Shetty, John Abraham, Balusami C and Ashitha K.2019. Economic and efficient dairy manure management using dung dewatering machine. Kerala Veterinary Science Congress.pp 330-331
  • Geetha R. and Balusami.C.2019.Recent trends in sensor technology to augment production and management of dairy cattle. Training Programme for Assistant Directors of Animal Husbandry Department from 01.07.2019 to 30.09. 2019.Compendium of lectures - Volume II. Pp293-298.

Review articles

  • Balusami.C.2015 Buffer supplementation on nutrient utilization and animal performance in Dairy Cattle.Indian Journal of Natural Sciences International Bimonthly 5(28)-2638-2643

Popular articles

  • Balusami.C and K.Sivaih.Yellow lamb disease.The Hindu1999, June12, pp21.
  • .Balusami.C and V.Ramesh.Ecomomic loss due to baby pig disease.Pashudhan.2002, June, pp3.
  • Balusami.C. Pink eye in sheep. Pashudhan. 2004, September, pp3.
  • Balusami. C and Senthilkumar.S.Successful feeding of pet birds.Journal of Indian Veterinary Association, Kerala 2008, March, 6(1), pp 67-68
  • Senthilkumar.S and Balusami. C.Practical tips for therapeutic diets for dogsJournal of Indian Veterinary Association, Kerala2008, March, 6(1), pp 46-49
  • Senthilkumar.S, Balusami.C, Sivakumar.T and BalachanderSolid Waste Utilisation in Dairy Farms Journal of Indian Veterinary Association, Kerala2008.6 (2) Issue 2, 34-37.
  • Yancy Mary Issac,John Abraham,Sreeparvahy,Jini George and C.Balusami Managemental practices to control ascites in a flock Veterinary World Journal.Vol.3No.5 May-2010
  • Lonkar V.D., John Abraham and Balusami C. Designer Egg-Power packed with nutrients and benefits Journal of Indian Veterinary association2006. Vol; 6, Issue 2, 15-17
  • Lonkar.V.D., Balusami.C and John Abraham.Chicken egg-antisnake venom. Pashudhan.2008, May, pp3.
  • Balusami.C. Enzyme supplementation on nutrional utilization in pigs. Pasudhan2015, September. Volume.43. Issue 09, pp 1.
  • Senthi Murugan., Ranjith, D and Balusami.C.2017 Myths about urea supplementation in dairy nutrition. Pashupandha.6(Issue 07)

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