Research News, Initiatives & External aided projects
Research Highlights
A systematic method of construction of balanced n-ary designs with equal or unequal replications and equal or unequal block sizes were developed.
A combined selection index was developed for the study of the contribution of biometric characters on yield in dessert and culinary varieties of banana.
Fitted a model for predicting the pattern of growth in domestic fowl.
New selection indices were constructed for the improvement of poultry.
Genotypic selection indices were constructed for different combinations of characters through principal component analysis and path coefficient analysis.
Developed yield forecasting models for rice using climatologically models.
Developed a suitable model for ascertaining the growth and egg production of quails.
Suggested a suitable selection index on goats.
Research Facilities
Computer and statistical softwares.
Statistical consultation including sample size determination, data management and statistical analysis in various fields.