Extension Services
1. Conservation, Maintenance and Distribution of seed material:
- Vechur Farm: Distribution of animals and Semen to farmers, Conservation of Vechur and Kasargode breeds.
- University Goat and Sheep Farm, Mannuthy: Supply of kids to farmers, Technical and Managemental advice to farmers about goat farming, breeding etc., On job training for VHSE students, Internship training for final year B.V. Sc& A.H. students
- AICRP on Goat Improvement Scheme: Conservation of Malabari goats in its native tract, Supply of superior breeding bucks to the field centres for breeding.
- Rabbit Farm: Supply of rabbits to farmers, Technical and Managemental advice to farmers about rabbit farming.
- Progeny Testing Scheme: Running of A.I. centres in six milk societies in Thrissur district for the progeny testing of highly pedigreed HF crossbred bulls selected by the ICAR, conducting infertility camps, supply of feed, dewormings and mineral mixtures free of cost to the farmers in the scheme, technical advice to farmers about livestock farming etc.
- Breeding Policy: Contribution to the Breeding Policy of Kerala.
2. Training Programmes:
Name of training |
Duration |
Year |
National training on Molecular Technologies in Animal Sciences |
10 days |
2003 |
National training on Molecular Technologies in Animal Sciences |
10 days |
2004 |
3. Modern scientific laboratories & its services:
- Cytogenetic & Molecular genetic laboratory
4. Breeding policy for the State