Extension Services
Various training programmes for Progressive Farmers, Self help group members, Quality control personnels, Veterinary surgeons, Officials of Dairy Development Department etc are organized by the department. The department is also equipped with facilities to check the quality of milk samples brought by the farmers and processing industries.
Training Programmes:
- A training programme in 'Advanced analytical techniques in quality control of milk & milk products' - To Veterinary Officers of State Quality Control Laboratory, organized in December 2008 (5 trainees attended)
- A training programme in 'Dairy farming' - To Kudumbasree members of Trichur Corporation, organized by the Department of Dairy Science in 2009 (10 members participated)
- A training programme in 'Dairy farming' - To self help group members of Cherpu Block, organized by the Department of Dairy Science in 2009 (20 members attended)
The following training programmes are scheduled for the current financial year:
- Training in “Validation of Critical Control Points in Clean Milk Production” for Dairy Farm Instructors of Dairy Development Department
- Training in “Quality and Safety Assessment of Milk and Dairy Products” for Dairy Extension Officers of Dairy Development Department
- Training in “Production and Marketing of Farm-Fresh Milk” to Self Help Group Members of various Blocks
- Training in “Dairy farming” to SHG members and Kudumbasree members of various Panchayats
- Training in the "Preparation of value added milk products” to SHG members