

College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences , Mannuthy


DEPARTMENT: Animal Breeding, Genetics & Biostatistics

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Dr Marykutty Thomas Dr Marykutty Thomas
Designation: - Assistant Professor
Address: - Centre for Advanced Studies in Animal Genetics & Breeding, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Mobile No: - 9446042919
Email ID: - marykutty@kvasu.ac.in

Educational Qualifications


Area of Research

Animal Genetics and genomics

Work Experience

 10 years of experience as veterinary surgeon

14 years experience as Assistant Professor




    1. Principal Investigator of ICAR-NBAGR-TSP project on "Sustainable Development of Tribal Goat Farming in Attappady Region of Kerala through Integrated Support and Technology Transfer for the year 2024-25
    2. Principal Investigator of ICAR-Project for the socio-economic development of goat farmers in Parakode (Minor) Kollam district, Kerala, under the ICAR- Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SC-SP) for 2023-24
    3. Principal investigator of EAP on “Addressing the production challenges of native goat breeds of Kerala through genomic approach” funded by AHD 
    4. Co-PI of -ICAR- All India Network project on Animal Genetic Resources
    5. First Prize in poster presentation in the XXX11 Annual Conference and National Symposium of Indian Poultry Science Association for the research article entitled “The organizational Structure and Social Aspects of contract farming in Kerala”
    6. Third Price in the oral presentation in the XXX11 Annual Conference and National Symposium of Indian Poultry Science Association for the research article entitled “Evaluation of small holder broiler production systems in Kerala: Determinants of Production performance of broiler Poultry
    7. Third best paper award in the National Seminar of 12th Kerala Science Congress conducted at Thiruvanathapuarm on 14 to 15th December/2020
    8. Second best oral presentation in the XVIth National Conference of IAWV on “Sustainable Contribution of ATMANIRBHAR: Women Association of Women Veterinarians in Enrichment of Production Potential in Livestock through Applications of Modern Technologies” organized by College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Parbhani (MS) India, during 9-10th December, 2020
    9. Third best paper award for KSVC2020 held during 14-15 Nov/2020
    10. Second best Poster presentation-  virtual International Conference on “Promising genetic and genomic technologies – frontier in selection and animal improvement ” organized by KVASU and TANUVAS on 27.01.2021- 28.01.2021
    11. Best Poster Presentation (Scientist) Award under Fisheries and Veterinary Sciences session at the 33rd Kerala Science Congress held during the 25-30 January, 2021.
    12. Best oral presentation award in the International conference on “Convergence of Technology and Policy for Sustainable Meat Production – organized by AMST on 25th October at Meat Technology Unit, Thrissur, Kerala
    13. Best paper with first price in Kerala Science Congress 2021 held during 13-14th November, 2021
    14. Best Paper award (third prize) International Conference on “Small holder’s goat production in tropical countries - opportunities and constraints”, held from 8th to 9th August 2024 at Post Graduate Research Institute in Animal Sciences (PGRIAS), TANUVAS, Chennai"
    15. Best paper (first prize, oral) for paper entitled 'Polymorphisms in 3'untranslated region of Gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor gene and its association with multiple births in Malabari goats" authored by Saranya S.K., Marykutty Thomas, T.V. Aravindakshan, R. Thirupathy Venkatachalapthi, Raji K. and Stephy Thomas in session 5: livestock in poultry production in 13th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress organised by IVA during held from 13th to 14th November, 2021 at CVAS, Mannuthy 


  • Marykutty Thomas, Radhika Gopalakrishnan, Stephy Thomas, R. Thirupathy Venkattachalapathy, Aravindakshan Thazhathuveetil, Development of breed traceability for autochthonous attappady black goats of South India, Small Ruminant Research. 242. January 2025. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2024.107408.

  • Thomas, M., Sukumaran, J., Rojan, P.M., Venkatachalapathy, R.T., Aravindakshan, T.V., King, J.S. and Akhila, M.R., 2024. Mitogenome based adaptations and phylogeny of Beetal goats in India. Gene Reports, p.102094.

  • Thomas, M., Gopalakrishnan, R., Venkatachalapathy, T. and Thazhathuveetil, A., 2024. Genomic profiling of selective sweeps through haplotype differentiation unravelled genes associated with production and reproduction traits in Indian goat breeds, Tropical Animal Health and Production, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-024-04136-2 .

  • P.M. Rojan, R.T. Venkatachalapathy, Marykutty Thomas, T.V. Aravindakshan, K. Radha and V. Ramnath. 2024. HIGH MOBILITY GROUP BOX CONTAINING 3 (HMGXB3) GENE POLYMORPHISM AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH BODY WEIGHT AND MORPHOMETRIC TRAITS IN GOAT BREEDS OF KERALA. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants. 30(2): 233-239

  • Saranya, S.K., Thomas, M., Aravindakshan, T.V., Venkatachalapathy, R.T., Sukumaran, J. and Kanakkaparambil, R., 2024. Discovery and computational exploration of SNPs in GNRHR gene and their influence on protein structure and function in Indian goat breeds. Gene Reports, p.102014.

  • Reshmi Raveendran, Syamala K., Marykutty Thomas, Association of SERPING1 gene single nucleotide polymorphism with resistance to natural strongyle infection among native goats in humid tropical Kerala, Small Ruminant Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2024.107288

  • Thomas,M. Radhika Gopalakrishnan, Thirupathy Venkattachalapathy, Aravindakshan Thazhathuveetil, Population genomic and haplotype block structure in Attappady Black and Malabari goats of South India, Small Ruminant Research, 2024,107225 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2024.107225.

  • Thomas, M., Gopalakrishnan, R., Venkatachalapathy, T. and Thazhathuveetil, A., 2023. Genome-wide runs of homozygosity in Indian goat breeds reared under small holder production system. Small Ruminant Research, 229, p.107116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2024.107225

  • Saranya S.K., Thomas,M., Thirupathy Venkattachalapathy, Aravindakshan Thazhathuveetil., Jinty Sukumaran and Raji. K. 2014. Diplotype-Based Assessment of GNRHR Gene Polymorphisms and Their Role in determining Litter Size at Birth in the Malabari Goat Population of South India. Small Ruminant Research

  • Thomas, M., Gopalakrishnan, R., Venkatachalapathy, T. and Thazhathuveetil, A., 2023. Genome-wide runs of homozygosity in Indian goat breeds reared under small holder production system. Small Ruminant Research, 229, p.107116.

  • Saranya, S.K., Thomas, M., Venkatachalapathy, R.T., Aravindakshan, T.V. and Raji, K., 2022. Design of a tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system technique for cost effective genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphism of gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor gene in goats. Pharma Innovation, 11(5), pp.491-494.

  • Simon, S.E., Radhika, G., Aravindakshan, T.V., Thomas, M. and Raji, K., 2021. Discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms in bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) genes of goats by double digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing. Animal Production Science, 61(7), pp.630-636.

  • Thomas, M., Radhika, G., Aravindakshan, T.V., Thirupathy, R., Raji, K. and Shynu, M., 2021. Genome-wide scan for selection signatures for litter size in goat breeds of Kerala. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants, 27(1), pp.11-18.

  • Marykutty, T., Radhika, G., Aravindakshan, T.V., Thirupathy, R., Raji, K. and Shynu, M., 2021. Linkage disequilibrium over short physical genomic distances measured using medium density SNP beadchip in native goat breeds of Kerala. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 52(1), pp.14-18.

  • Thomas, T., Thomas, M., Aravindakshan, T.V. and Liz, B., 2023. Factors influencing gastro-intestinal parasitic infection in native goats of Kerala. 2023• Pharma Innovation,

  • Marykutty Thomas and Syamala K. 2017. Sensitivity and specificity of the FAMACHA system in Attappady black goats of Kerala. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 2017, 23(2): 204-207.

  • P. Nandakumar & Marykutty Thomas, Influence of breed and month of mating on the gestation length and litter size at birth among Broiler rabbits in Kerala, Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Vol 30, No 1&2, 69-72

  • P. Nandakumar & Marykutty Thomas, Contact sensitivity to Di nitro chloro benzene as a marker trait in the indirect selection for the body mange and Coccidiosis resistance in Broiler rabbits, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, Vol 12 No 2,165-168

  •  P. Nandakumar & Marykutty Thomas, Influence of maternal factors on pre weaning growth and viability of temperate rabbit breeds, Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Vol 31,No1&2,57-61

  •  P. Nandakumar & Marykutty Thomas, Factors influencing litter traits & body weight upto12 weeks among temperate rabbit breeds in humid tropics, World Rabbit Science, Vol 8, No2. 67-70

  • P. Nandakumar & Marykutty Thomas, Genetic influence of Antibody response to Chicken RBC among temperate rabbit breeds, Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Vol 22, 1, 69-72

  • P. Nandakumar & Marykutty Thomas, Effect of breed sire and sex on body weights in rabbits, Cherion, Vol 30 No3&4.103-105

  • Marykutty Thomas 1 and Manju Sasidharan . 2015. Factors affecting milk fat percentage and solids-not-fat percentage and milk  price of dairy cattle in humid tropics. Advances in Applied Agricultural Science .Volume 03 (2015), Issue 01, 11-17

  • Marykutty Thomas, TK Neethu, V. Sejian and Ajas Mohammed  Heat Tolerance in Attappaddy Black does Reared under Hot Humid Tropical Environment. Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis. 2015, 4:2

  • Marykutty Thomas and Syamala.K. 2016. Efficacy of FAMACHA© Eye Colour Chart in the Assessment of Parasitic Load and Anaemia in Goats of Humid Tropics. Indian Veterinary Journal. 93 (2); 54-56

  •  Marykutty Thomas. 2016 Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting birth weight and litter size at birth in Attapady black goats.  Indian Veterinary Journal. 93 (08):42-44.

  • Jobin Thomas and Marykutty Thomas. 2016. Association of teat score with mastitis incidence in an organised dairy herd of crossbred cattle. Indian Veterinary Journal 93(05): 27-29-35.

  • Marykutty Thomas and Syamala. K . 2016. (May). Breed differences in tick count and its association with skin characteristics in crossbred cattle. Indian Veterinary Journal 93(05): 32-35.

  • Marykutty Thomas and Syamala.K. 2015. Breeding for Parasitic Resistance in Goats. Proceedings of Kerala Veterinary Science Congress

  • Marykutty Thomas., Anoop.R., Nighil Rosh.A.S.,Vivek.V and Jithil.V.R. 2015.Relationship between Teat Score and Subclinical Mastitis in Crossbred Cattle. Proceedings of Kerala Veterinary Science Congress

  • Marykutty Thomas., Vivek.V., Nighil Rosh.A.S., Jithil.V.R and Anoop.R. 2015. Determination of Best-fitted Regression Model for Estimation of Body Weight in Attappady Black Goats. Proceedings of Kerala Veterinary Science Congress

  • Marykutty Thomas., Jithil.V.R ,Vivek.V., Nighil Rosh.A.S., and Anoop.R. Production Performance of Sunandini Crossbred Dairy Cattle in Humid Tropics. Proceedings of Kerala Veterinary Science Congress

  • Marykutty Thomas., Nighil Rosh.A.S.,Vivek.V ., Jithil.V.R and Anoop.R., 2015. Factors Affecting Pre-weaning Growth Performance of Attappady Black Goats. Proceedings of Kerala Veterinary Science Congress

  • Marykutty Thomas and Jobin Thomas. 2015. Comparative Productive Performance of Brucella Seropositive and Seronegative Cattle of An Organized Dairy Herd. Indian Veterinary Journal

  • Marykutty Thomas, Raja T V and Manju Sasidharan. 2016. Pre-weaning performance and variable cost of rearing of Sunandini replacement dairy calves in an organized farm of Kerala. Indian J Dairy Sci 69(5),

  • Marykutty Thomas and Syamala. K. Targeted Selective Treatment (TST) in the control of parasitism in goats: Results from a year round study. Proceed.Ker.Vet.Sci.Cong. 100-103

  • Syamala.K and Marykutty Thomas. Evaluation of FAMACHA as a tool to assess the gastro intestinal nematode burden in goats of humid tropics. Proceed.Ker.Vet.Sci.Cong. 157- 160    

  • Marykutty Thomas., Neethu.T.K, Sejian.V., Ajas Mohammed, Ebin baby Mathew. Adaptability of Attappady Black Bucks to heat stress of humid tropics, Proceed. Ker. Vet. Sci. Cong. 320-325 

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