DEPARTMENT: Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
Faculty & Staff
Dr.Preethy John
Designation: - Assistant Professor
Address: - Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy
Mobile No: - 9446031275
Email ID: -
Educational Qualifications
Work Experience
- Teaching Assistant in the Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy -1 year
- Veterinary Surgeon in Department of Animal Husbandry, Kerala from 04th Feb 2006 to 19th April 2010
- Assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from 20th April 2010 onwards.
- UGC sponsored orientation programme(28 days) conducted by Academic staff College, Calicut University
- ICAR Sponsored Short Course(10 days) on Molecular Approaches for diagnosis of Anirnal cancers and Strategies for Developing cancer vaccines 01-11-2014 to 10-11-2014 at Indian Veterinary Research Institute.
- DST-SERB Training (21 days) on fundamentals of animal meteorology 02-12-2013 to 22-12-2013
- ICAR Sponsored Short course(10 days) on Application of Molecular Pharmacology Techniques in Drug Development at Indian Veterinary Research Institute.4-10-10 to 13-10-10
- National workshop (10 days) on methods in In Vitro Toxicology organized by Mahatma Gandhi-Doerenkamp Centre, under Bharathidasan University.
- Hands on Training on Basic Molecular Biology Techniques(7 days) Organised by Monitoring and Evaluation cell, Centre for advanced studies in Animal Genetics and Breeding, Dept. of Veterinary Microbiology, CVAS, Mannuthy 25-06-2013 to 01-07-2013
- National Workshop On “Bioinformatics – A Practical Approach To Genomics & Proteomics” (5 days) conducted from 07-10-2013 to 11-10-2013 at Bioinformatics Centre, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai
- Training (3 days) on Academic Leadership for Excellence at Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
- Training(3days) in SPSS,2014 at CVAS, Mannuthy
- Training (3 days) on Introduction to bioinformatics tools from 12-5-2015 to 14-5-2015 at CVAS, Mannuthy
- Training (3 days) on Modern analytical techniques in veterinary & animal sciences from 26-11-2015 to 28-11-2015 at CVAS, Mannuthy
- Training (3 days) on application of ICT in animal husbandry teaching, research and extension held at CVAS, Mannuthy from 22-24/09/2016.
- Training on “basic molecular biology techniques and introduction to bioinformatics tools”(10 days) organized by school of applied animal production and biotechnology, CVAS, Mannuthy from 17-07-17 to 26-07-17
- Refresher Course (Interdisciplinary) on sharpening of soft skills for academic excellence organized by ASC, KVASU(14 days) from 3.7.2019 to 16.7.2019
- Cell Culture technologies (Online Through NPTEL-Swayam) Online- NPTEL_IIT Kanpur (8 weeks) in 2020
Research Papers
- Priya K, Preethy John, Usha PTA, Kariyil BJ and Uma R(2019)Effect of Ecliptaprostrata(L.) leaf powder on serum biochemical parameters of broiler chicken during aflatoxicosis. The Pharma Innovation Journal 8(4): 657-661
- Priya K, Preethy John, Usha PTA, Kariyil BJ and Uma R (2019).Antioxidant effect of Ecliptaprostrata(L.) leaf powder in broiler chicken during aflatoxicosis .The Pharma Innovation Journal 8(4): 801-803
- K. Priya, Preethy John, P.T.A. Usha, B.J. Kariyil, R. Uma and M.S. Hogale (2018). Phytochemical Analysis of EcliptaprostrataL. (L.) Leaves Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.7(8): 1069-1075
- Krishnaprasad Koorse, Sujith S, Preethy John, Priya M N(2018) Anthelmintic Activity of Fruit Extract and Fractions of Piper longumL. In vitroPharmacogn J. 10(2): 333-340
- Priya K, Preethy John and Saranya N.( 2020).Effect of EcliptaprostrataL. (L.) leaf powder on gross and histopathology of liver of broiler chicken during aflatoxicosis. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies; 8(5): 916-919