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Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Leadership training programme for students union/university union & installation of KVASU union | A Training Program on Cheese Making to be held on February 21 & 22 at VKIDFT, Mannuthy. | Score Card for appointment of Assistant Professors in the University–Modified-Orders issued
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Dr.Raji Kanakkaparambil
Designation: - Associate Professor Address: - Department of Veterinary Physiology, CVAS Mannuthy Mobile No: - 9747237259 Email ID: - |
1. Post- Doc. (2016) - School of Women's & Children's Health, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
2. Ph.D.(2008)- University of Nottingham, School of Biosciences,Sutton Bonington, UK
3. P. G. Diploma in Bioinformatics (2004)- Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
4. Animal Physiology(1997) - College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala, India
5. B. V. Sc. & A.H.(1994) - College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Molecular Reproductive Physiology, Oocyte Biology and Stem Cell Biology
For Ph. D thesis project, as a part of NIH research programme to investigate the effects of altering methyl cycle metabolism by dietary means on DNA methylation in oocytes in University of Nottingham, I have been studying the effect of methyl deficient diet on epigenetic changes and expression of certain genes involved in ovarian follicular development in sheep. During Post-doctoral research in UNSW, Australia, I have been working on epigenetic changes in mouse oocytes due to pre- in vitro maturation (Pre- IVM) and in vitro maturation (IVM) treatments.I have under gone 3 months training in the area of stem cell research in Bioinformatics Institute (BII), and Institute of Medical Biology(IMB), A*STAR, Singapore. There, I did get an opportunity to work with both mesenchymal stem cells and embryonic stem cells.
Completed Research Projects: As Principal Investigator
Study of expression of Prolificacy genes controlling follicular development in Malabari goats : State Plan fund : 10 Lakhs
Proteome analysis of goat ovarian follicles during different developmental stages: State Plan fund: 5 Lakhs
Immuno-histochemical localization of Transforming Growth Factor β (TGF-β) superfamily members in developing follicles of Malabari goats- State Plan Fund -10 Lakhs
On-going Research Project as Principal Investigator
Ascertaining a reliable method for isolation and purification of mesenchymal stem cells from dogs- State Plan Project- 5 lakhs
Completed Research Project: As Co PI
Ovsynch programme and its modifications on the reproductive performance of anoestrous and repeat breeding cattle. – Animal Husbandry Department, Kerala- 10 lakhs
Preliminary studies on capture myopathy and its control in various deer species of Kerala.-State Plan Fund 2012-13 – 3.5lakhs
Study of behavioural pattern and evaluation of stress in free ranging Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) involved in human-elephant conflict in Kerala.- State Plan Fund 2012-13 – 3.5lakhs
Comparative histological and Immuno histochemical studies on the pancreas of Malabari and Attappady Black breeds of goats.- State Plan fund- 2017-17- 5 lakhs
Identification of the Causative genes and Mutations Conferring Resistance against Tick Infestation in Cattle- Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment- 37.49lakhs
2018- till date- Associate Professor
2011-2018 - Assistant Professor, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Kerala, India
2004- 2011 - Assistant Professor, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India
1996- 2004 - Veterinary Surgeon, Department of Animal Husbandry, Kerala, India
R. S. Reshma, T. V. Aravindakshan, G. Radhika, T. Naicy4 and K. Raji. (2020). Exome Wide Variant Discovery by Next Generation DNA Sequencing in Vechur Cattle of Kerala. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 2020. 51 (2) : 201 – 206
Anjana A, Raji K, Bhuvana Plakkot and Aravindhakshan TV (2020). EC Clinical and Experimental Anatomy. 3; 10-19
Bhuvana Plakkot, Abhina Mohanan, Raji Kanakkaparambil (2020). Prolificacy in small ruminants. J Dairy Vet Anim Res. 2020;9(3):85-90.
Pranamya C. Haridas, Varuna P. Panicker, K.K. Jayavardhanan, Raji K. (2019). Molecular Characterisation of β-Casein Gene in Cattle Breeds of Kerala (Genetic Polymorphism and Comparative Analysis of β-Casein (Exon 7) Gene in Crossbreed and Vechur Cattle). Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (11): 2161- 2164.
Elizabeth Kurian, C.N. Dinesh, Reghu Ravindran, Naicy Thomas, Jain Jose, K. Raji, K.A. Bindu and Aravindakshan, T.V. 2019. Evaluation of Skin Expression Profiles in Cattle of Bos indicus and Bos taurus Lineage Following Rhipicephalus annulatus Infestation and Molecular Characterisation of S100A8 Gene. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(07): 132-141.
Elizabeth Kurian, C.N. Dinesh, Reghu Ravindran, Naicy Thomas, Jain Jose, T.V. Aravindakshan, K. Raji and Bindu K.A.(2019). Differential mRNA expression profiling of Heparan sulphate 3-Osulphotransferase 1(HS3ST1) gene in Vechur (Bos indicus) and crossbred (Bos indicus X Bos taurus) cattle of Kerala in response to Rhipicephalus annulatus infestation. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology,. 8, (4), 777 – 785
Haritha B. Pillai, R. Thirupathy Venkatachalapathy, T.V. Aravindakshan, Jamuna Valsalan, K. Raji (2019). Genetic Variability at Exon 2 of Inhibin Alpha Locus in Malabari Goats of Kerala. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 2020. 51 (1) : 82 - 85
Dulama Richani, Cathy F. Lavea, Raji Kanakkaparambil, Angelique H. Riepsamen, Michael J. Bertoldo, Sonia Bustamante & Robert B. Gilchrist (2019). Participation of the adenosine salvage pathway and cyclic AMP modulation in oocyte energy metabolism. Scientific Reports. 9, 18395 doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-54693-y
Bhuvan Plakkot, Raji Kanakkaparambil and Shynu Mohamed (2019). Expression profile of gonadotropin receptors in antral follicles of tropical goats. International journal of current agricultural sciences. 9, 440-443
Abhina Mohanan, Bhuvana Plakkot, Raji Kanakkaparambil (2019). Biochemical constituents and steroid hormones in follicular fluid from antral follicles of cross bred Malabari goats of Kerala. Biological Rhythm Research. DOI: 10.1080/09291016.2018.1564574.
Shalu Elizabeth Simon, G. Radhika, T.V. Aravindakshan, Marykutty Thomas and K. Raji (2019) Double digest restriction associated DNA sequencing for identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in goats. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 50, 108-113
Anisha J. Perumbilly, Shynu M. and Uma R. And Raji K. (2018). Cross bred dairy cows suffer negative energy balance and oxidative stress during transition period. Proceedings of the 10th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress pp-208-209
Abhina Mohanan, Bhuvana Plakkot and Raji Kanakkaparambil (2018). Exprssion profile of BMPRIB gene in developing ovarian follicles of cross bred Malabari goats. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 7(12): 363-367.
Bhuvana Plakkot, Shiji Sheeja Saju and Raji Kanakkaparambil (2018). A review article on gonadotropins and their significant contribution in ovarian follicl development. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 7(11): 433-438.
Abhina Mohanan, Raji Kanakkaparambil (2018). Role of diet in epigenetics: a review. Journal of Dairy, Veterinary and Animal Research. 7(3):129-131
S. Harikumar, K. S. Anil, Joseph Mathew, A. Prasad, K. A. Mercey, K. Ally and K. Raji. (2018). Continous measurement of core body temperature of dairy cows in winter and summer using Thermochron i button. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 49(1): 28-32
S. Harikumar, K. S. Anil, Joseph Mathew, A. Prasad, K. A. Mercey, K. Ally and K. Raji. (2018). Behavioural pattern of dairy cows under different therml stress management systems in summer. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 49(2): 24-28
Anu J. P., C. T. Sathyan, R. Geetha, K. Radha, K. Raji and Gleeja V. L. (2017). A study on impact of somatic cell count on physicochemical properties of pooled milk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci.. 48 (2): 13-15
M. K. Aliciah, J. Metilda, M. O. Kurian, M. P. Unnikrishnan and K. Raji (2017). Morphological survivability of immature and mature bovine oocytes vitrified by cryoloop method. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 48(1):1-5
G. Girish Varma and K. Raji (2017). Subtle adaptive biochemical mechanisms linking nutrition and reproduction at higher forms of life- A comprehensive perspective. In abstracts and souvenir of second annual convention of society of veterinary biochemists and biotechnologists of India and National symposium on Innovative and emerging biochemical and biotechnological tools to augment animal health and production. pp. 6-16
Aziz Zarina, G. G. Varma, K. Karthiayini, K. Raji And V. Beena (2017). Effect of varying temperature humidity index on the plasma volume of crossbred cattle calves. Journal of Agrometeorology. 19: 120-122
Aziz Z., Varma, G. G., Raji K., Beena, V. and Anil., K. S. (2016). Haematological responses of murrah buffalo calves to varying temperature humidity index. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. 5(5):329- 331
Z. Aziz, G. G. Varma, K. Raji, and K. Karthiayini. (2016). Physiological response of murrah buffalo calves to varying temperature humidity index prevalent in central Kerala. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 47(2): 21-24
Raji Kanakkaparambil and Kevin D Sinclair (2015). Effect of different doses of FSH on steroidogenic capability, proliferation and differentiation of sheep granulosa cells. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 46(1): 5-10
Sneha S. Panicker, Raji Kanakkaparambil, Promod Kanjirakuzhiyil, and Ramachandran Koodathil (2015). Progesterone Profile of Goats Subjected to Oestrus Synchronization and its Relevance in Predicting Pregnancy Outcome. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 3(4): 207-210.
Sneha Surendra Panicker, Promod Kanjirakuzhiyil, Ramachandran Koodathil, and Raji Kanakkaparambil (2015). Oestrous response and conception rate in Malabari cross-bred goats following two different oestrous synchronization protocols. J. Anim. Health Prod. 3 (2): 39 -42
Prashant U., Shynu M., Raji K., Pellissery A.J., Jayavardanan K.K. and George S. Sexing of monomorphic birds by amplification of chd 1 gene (2014). Proceedings of the 26th Kerala Science Congress, Pookode, Wayanad, 28-31st January 2014; 652-654
Aparna M., Vimalkumar M.B., Varghese S., Senthilvel K., Ajithkumar K.G., Raji K., Syamala K., Priya M.N., Deepa C.K., Jyothimol G., Juliet S., Chandrasekhar L and Ravindran R. (2013). Phylogenetic analysis of bovine Theileria spp. isolated in south India. Tropical Biomedicine 30(2): 281–290
Raji Kanakkaparambil., Ravinder Singh., Dongfang Li., Robert Webb and Kevin D Sinclair (2009): B-Vitamin and Homocysteine Status Determines Ovarian Response to Gonadotropin Treatment in Sheep. Biol. Reprod. 80(4): 743–752.
Raji K., Surendranathan K.P and Philomina P.T. (2000): Effect of age and sex on the blood sugar profile in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). J. Vet. Anim. Sci.31
Raji K., Surendranathan K.P and Philomina P.T. (2000): Correlation of blood glucose and liver glycogen profile of Japanese quail at different stages of growth. J. Vet. Anim.Sci.31:47-52
Raji K., Surendranathan K.P. and Philomina P.T. (1999): Effect of feed restriction on body weight gain, liver weight and the levels of blood glucose and liver glycogen in Japanese quails. Indian J .Poult. Sci. 34(2):201-206
Raji K., Surendranathan K.P. and Philomina P.T. (1999). Correlation between the body weight and liver weight of Japanese quails from the day of hatch to sixteen weeks of age. Indian J. Poult.Sci. 34(2):251-254
Invited Presentation
G. Girish Varma and K. Raji (2017). Subtle adaptive biochemical mechanisms linking nutrition and reproduction at higher forms of life- A comprehensive perspective. Lead paper presented in second annual convention of society of veterinary biochemists and biotechnologists of India and National symposium on Innovative and emerging biochemical and biotechnological tools to augment animal health and production.2-3rd June 2017, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore, India
Scientific Presentations
Sujith S, Usha PTA, Juliet S, Bipu John Kariyil, Raji K and Shynu M (2019). Effect of 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin (TCDD) content of packaged milk. XIX Annual Conference of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology and National Symposium on "Pharmacogenomics in the development and validation of indigenus drugs". 18th to 20th December 2019.
Sujith S, Usha PTA, Bipu John Kariyil, Raji K , Shynu M and Juliet S, (2019). Effect of continous heating on the 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin (TCDD) on total cholesterol of H295R and MCF-7 cells. XIX Annual Conference of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology and National Symposium on "Pharmacogenomics in the development and validation of indigenus drugs". 18th to 20th December 2019.
Philip Alex, Raji Kanakkaparambil, Radhika Gopalakrishnan and Aravindakshan Thazhathuveettil (2019). SNP analysis of IGF1R by T-ARMS-PCR method. National Conferenece on Innovation in Animal Production for Sustainability and Doubling Farmers income & XXVI Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Animal Production and Management, 23rd to 25th January 2019.
Bhuvan Plakkot, Anjana Anith and Raji Kanakkaparambil (2019). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in exons of FSHb and LHb genes in native goat breeds of Kerala. National Conferenece on Innovation in Animal Production for Sustainability and Doubling Farmers income & XXVI Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Animal Production and Management, 23rd to 25th January 2019.
Reshma PB, Raji K, Geetha R and Sathyan CT (2019). Kappa Casein polymorphisms in native goat breeds of Kerala. National Conferenece on Innovation in Animal Production for Sustainability and Doubling Farmers income & XXVI Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Animal Production and Management, 23rd to 25th January 2019.
Anjana A, K. Raji and T. V. Aravindakshan (2018). Isolation of theca cells from goat ovarian follicles and expression of CYP19 gene in the isolated cells. Asian Regional Conference on Goats, ARCG 2018
Reshmi Sasi, Raji K. and Aravindakshan T. V. (2018). Polymorphism studies of sheep fecundity genes in Malabari and Attappady Black goat breeds of Kerala. International Confernce on Recent Trends in Environment, Sustainabilit, Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2nd and 3rd July, 2018
Abhina Mohanan and Raji Kanakkaparambil (2017). Comparative expression profile of major prolificacy genes in ovarian follicles at various developmental stages in goat breeds of Kerala. NCRM- NICHE, 23rd October 2017 in Tokyo, Japan.
Dulama Richani, Sonia Bustamante, Cathy F. Lavea , Raji Kanakkaparambil , Nady Braidy , David J. Agapiou, Michael J. Bertoldo, Robert B. Gilchrist. (2017). Cyclic AMP modulated-IVM differentially impacts oocyte and cumulus cell metabolism. World Congress of Reproductive Biology, September 27-29, 2017, Okinawa, Japan.
Abhina M., Nikhil Kumar Tej, Amitha Thomas and Raji Kanakkaparambil. (2016). Biochemical constituents and steroid hormones in follicular fluid of Malabari goat. iCOMOS 2016, University of Minnesota, USA, April 24- 27, 2016
Abhina M., Nikhil Kumar Tej, Upasana R., Venkitachalapathy Tirupathi and Raji K. (2015). Expression profile of BMPR1B gene in ovarian follicles at various developmental stages and steroid hormone levels in two goat breeds of Kerala. In XXXIth Annual Convention and National Symposium on Current Challenges and Opportunities in Animal Reproduction organized by Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR) from 3rd to 5th December 2015 at Veterinary College, Bangaluru, India.
R. S. Abhilash, K. Anil Kumar, K. Raji and Metilda Joseph. (2015). Early Pregnancy Diagnosis in Bovines- A comparative study between prostaglandin induced milk flow test (PG-IMFT) and progesterone assay. In XXXIth Annual Convention and National Symposium on Current Challenges and Opportunities in Animal Reproduction organized by Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR) from 3rd to 5th December 2015 in Veterinary College, Bangaluru.
Abhina M., Raji K., and Aravindakshan T. V. (2015). Expression profile of bmpr1b gene in developing ovarian follicles of cross-bred Malabari breed of goats in Kerala. XXIV Annual conference of SAPI & National Symposium, Guwahati. January 2016.
Stem cell techniques: Given to Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ankara, Turkey
Prolificacy studies of goats in India: Given Livestock Central Research Institute, Ankara, Turkey
Stem cell techniques: Given to Livestock Central Research Institute, Ankara, Turkey
Basic Concepts of Epigenetics: Presentation given in training programme conducted by School of Applied Animal Production and Biotechnology, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Kerala