DEPARTMENT: Animal Nutrition
Faculty & Staff
Deepa Ananth
Designation: - Assistant Professor
Address: - assistant professor
dept of animal nutrition
cvas, pookode, Wayanad Kerala
Mobile No: - +919562775354
Email ID: -
Educational Qualifications
BVSC&A.H., M.V.Sc. Ph.D (Animal Nutrition.)
Area of Research
Ruminant Nutrition
methane mitigation
Pet nutrition
Probiotics Precision nutrition
Animal welfare
Poultry Nutritiom
Work Experience
joined on 21st April 2010 at dept of Animal Nutrition, CVAS,Pookode
from 22.6.11 to 3 .7. 2019 on working arrangement at the Directorate of Entrepreneurship,KVASU
From 3rd July 2019 to 21 July 2020 at Dept of Animal Nutrition CVAS,Mannuthy
From3 August 2020 to June 2022 at the Dept pf Animal Nutrition, CVAS,Pookode
From June 2022 continuing at CVAS,Mannuthy
- DST sponsored online faculty development program on ”Entrepreneurship in livestock and veterinary sciences from Feb 9-22,2021.
- International online training programme on “Physico Biochemical and biotechnological approaches for optimization of Health and Reproduction in Animals organized by from Dec1st- 21st,2020
- DST sponsored Vll National training programme on Entrepreneurship development and management for women scientist and technologists within the government sector from 4th to 15tn March, 2019 at EDII Ahmedabad.
- Advanced techniques and novel approaches for quality and safety evaluation of dairy foods from 17.11.2015 to 7.12.2015 at NDRI Karnal organized by ICAR.
- Developing and Embedding a Problem Based Learning Approach in Veterinary Curriculum” organized by KVASU in association with the University of Edinburgh on 26th and 27th April 2013.
- Hands on Training on Basic Molecular Biology Techniques organised by KVASU
- National training on mitigation strategies for methane production from dairy animals sponsored y NAIP (ICAR) at Dairy Cattle Nutrition Division,National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, India from May2nd-16th 2011.
Farmer friendly lecture series by KVASU and IVA from3-6-20 to 30.6.20
- 20th biennial international conference of Animal nutrition society on sustainable animal nutrition for global health and Production :innovations and directions from 23-25 January 2024.
- National Webinar on “Implications of COVID-19on Animal Health and Food Security” from 28th May to 29th May 2020
- National workshop on “Comprehensive management of working dogs” from 27th to 29th July 2020
- Environmental protection for improving animal and human health’- jointly organized by IVA Kerala, KVASU and IVA CVAS, Mannuthy Unit. from 24.04.2020 to 27.04.2020
- National workshop on Augmenting Animal Productivity through emerging technologies to ensure food security in the era of climate change organized by Dept. of Animal Nutrition Veterinary college and research institute Namakkal from 6th to 7th July 2017.
- Science &Technology Policy workshop organized jointly by British council, UCL DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC POLICY (STEAPP) and IISER at IISER Campus Pune from 31st March to 2nd April,2016
- XVI biennial conference sponsored by ICAR and Animal Nutrition Society(ANSICON 2016)
- IV Workshop The Global Farm Platform: a new research paradigm for sustainableruminant production under World-Wide Universities Network Project at UWA Institute of Agriculture (IoA), University of Western Australia from15 to 19 September, 2014
Participated in the Global Animal Nutrition Conference, GLANCE 2014 on “Climate Resilient Livestock Feeding Systems for Global Food Security” from 20 – 22 April 2014
- Seminar on “Prospects of Feeds and Feeding in Dairy sector for augmenting Food Security” on 4th August 2014 organised by KVASU and CLFMA India.
- International workshop on “Veterinary Pharmco-vigilance and Global Food Security” organized by Phamaco-vigilance Laboratory for Animal Feed and Food Safety (PLAFFS) and Directorate of Centre for Animal Health Studies TANUVAS from 21st to 22nd February 2013
- Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) oneday workshop on ‘Ensuring sustainable and responsible production of health food from healthy animals’ at the Centre for Animal Adaptation to environment and climate change studies, KVASU May 2013
- 14th conference of Animal Nutrition Society of India conducted by the Animal Nutrition society of India at Pantnagar from 3-5th Nov,2011.
- K. Ambili, Deepa Ananth*, Biju Chacko and S. Senthil Murugan (2023)
Comparative effect of differentially treated Banana inflorescence with or without probiotic on the nutrient digestibility in broilers. Paper presented in the 20th biennial international conference of Animal nutrition society on sustainable animal nutrition for global health and Production :innovations and directions from 23-25 January 2024.
- Ayisha V. K., Biju Chacko, Senthil Murugan S., Deepa Ananth, Sindhu O. K., Sunanda C.(2022)Effect of Sukumara Gritham Residue Based Diet on Haemato-Biochemical Parameters of Malabari Goat Kids Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. (2023) 11(5), 1-7 DOI:
- Dinsha,T.K. Deepa Ananth, Biju Chacko., Senthil Murugan, S. Ayisha V.K. and Elangia N.(2023) Effect of dietary supplementation of essential oil from Zingiber Officinale on blood biochemical parameters of broiler chicks The Pharmainnovation Journal SP-12(10)2113-2116.
- Ambili, K., Deepa, A., Biju C., Senthil M.S., Patki, H.S., Surjith, K.P., Muneer, A. and Dinsha, T.K. 2023. Effect of supplementation of differentially treated banana inflorescence on intestinal morphology in broiler birds. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 54(2):396-403 DOI:
- Reddy , P. S ., Deepa, A ., Ally,K ., Venketachalapathy,T and Lalu,K .2023. Effect of nano zinc supplementation on serum biochemical and mineral levels in Malabari kids fed on complete rations with varying energy levels. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 54(2):322-329 DOI:
- Seshidhar,G., Biju Chacko, Senthil Murugan,S., Deepa Ananth, Balusami, C., Sunanda, C., AjayP.Kuriakose., Ambili.K. (2022) Effect of dietary incorporation of saraswatha gritham residue on haemato-biochemical parameters of Malabari kids . Ind.J.Pure App.Biosci. 10(6),45-52.
- Neelima Jayaraj, Sajith Purushothaman, K. Ally, Deepa Ananth and Shibu Simon (2021) Effect of supplementation of rumen protected choline and methionine on milk yield and composition of early lactating dairy cows J. Vet.Anim.Sci., 52 (2):142-148
- H.S. Sunil Gowda, Sajith Purushothaman, K. Ally, Deepa Ananth and Shibu Simon (2020) Preparation of low cost straw based densified complete feed blocks for cross bred heifers using dhanwantaram oil residue and tapioca starch waste J.Vet.Anim.Sci.ISSN 0971-0701 51(1)56-60.
- Abhinaya,P., Ally,K, Ananth, D., Purushothaman, S. and Gleeja, V.L. (2020) Effect of feeding diet with graded leves of energy on digestibility and drymatter intake in adult medium sized nondescript dogs J.Vet.Anim.Sci.(2020)ISSN: 0971-0701 51(1) 61-64
- Siobhan Mullan, Surej J. Bunglavan, Elizabeth Rowe, David C. Barrett , Michael R. F. Lee, Deepa Ananth and John Tarlton (2020)Welfare Challenges of Dairy Cows in India Identified Through On-Farm Observations. Animals 10(4):586
- Nandana Chandrasekhar, Ajith K. S., Ally K. , Deepa A. and Rajeev T. S(2019) Investigation On The Potential Of In Vitro Gas Production Technique For Assessing The Nutritive Value Of Feeds Consumed By Asian Elephants JETIR February 2021, Volume ISSN: 2582 – 28458( 2.):1633-1636
- H.S. Sunil Gowda, Sajith Purushothaman, K. Ally, Deepa Ananth and Shibu Simon (2019) Effect of Feeding Straw Based Densified Complete Feed Blocks Containing Dhanwantharam Oil Residue and Tapioca Starch Waste on Body Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Nutrient Digestibility in Crossbred Heifer Calves (Annexure XIb) Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 36 (4): 329-333 doi: 10.5958/2231-6744.2019.00054.9
- Deepa Ananth “An appraisel of the ‘foodSafety’ mobile application in creating awareness among smart phone users” at TANUVAS International Seminar on Innovative Extension Management for uplifting livelihood of farmers – Status, Initiatives and Way forward - ISEM2019 held from June 27, 2019 - June 28, 2019 at Madras Veterinary College Vepery High Road Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- Deepa Ananth, Vidya, P and Thirupathy Venkitachalapathy (2018) Systematic assessment of recent scientific interventions foe enabling future policy framework in Animal Husbandry sector in Kerala Paper presented at Kerala Science congress 2018 held at Kannur from 10th to 11th November, 2018.
- Deepa Ananth, Vidya, P and Thirupathy Venkitachalapathy (2018) “Perceptional assessment nutritional technologies as decision making tools for productivity enhancement in animal husbandry sector” Paper presented at Kerala Science congress 2018 held at Kannur from 10th to 11th November,2018.
- Sanood Mohammed A.V., Deepa Ananth, Ally K., Surej Joseph Banglavan and Anil K. S. (2018) Effect of feeding Palmyra (Borassus flabellifer)seed husk and sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) bagasse as partial replacement of green grass on growth performance in cross bred calves. JIVA,(16)3
- Sanood Mohammed A.V., Deepa Ananth, Ally K., Surej Joseph Banglavan and Anil K. S. (2018) Evaluation of sugar cane (Sacharum Officinarum ) Bagasse as roughage source in complete ration of growing cross bred calves Paper presented at Kerala Science congress 2018 held at Kannur from 10th to 11th November,2018.pp 306
- Deepa Ananth(2016) “Small Holder perspective on dairy animal welfare” in international conference held on Applying welfare measures to improve sustainability of small holder dairy production in Kerala at Flora International Hotel on 16th December 2016
- Deepa Ananth1, K.M. Syam Mohan, P. Gangadevi, Jamsheera, Sameeha Farhan (2016) “Feeding practices and assessment of dietary mineral status of dairy animals in Chittur block of Kerala” [POSTER-SESSION NHP] XVI biennial conference sponsored by ICAR and Animal Nutrition society (ANSICON 2016)
- DeepaAnanth, Syam Mohan, Leo Johnson, ArathiSurian, Sameeha Farhan(2015) Implementing Precision Feeding in ChitturThaluk of Palakkad District through Ration Balancing Software “ Ksheeraprabha” abstract presented in ANACON 2015 held at Guwahati.
- Deepa Ananth (2015) Precision feeding a road to sustenance” lead paper presented and published in the compendium of III international workshop under GII (Global innovation Initiatives) held in August 2015 at Flora international hotel, Kochi
- Deepa Ananth (2015) Chasing the Long Shadow- A case study on CBF Thumburmuzhy (2015)paper in the compendium of III international workshop under GII held in August 2015 at Flora international hotel, Kochi
- Deepa Ananth (2014) Strategic fodder management for enhancing the productivity of Livestock in changing climate Scenario paper published in workshop proceedings in Global Food Security and Future Livestock Farms in Varied Climates pp 51-59,2014
- Deepa Ananth (2013) Livestock production and health –strategies for sustainable production under changing climate scenario(2013) Paper presented in ‘explore’ -National seminar on “Modern Approaches to Disease Diagnosis in Veterinary Practice under Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases Programme” organized by Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory , Palakkad on 10th and 11th March 2013
- Deepa Ananth1, U. Krishnamoorthy2, K. Chandrapal Singh3, R.G.Gloridoss4(2014) Effect of Tamarind (Tamarindus Indica) Seed Tannin on In vitro Biomass Production and Substrate Degradation of Aerobic Rice Straws. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 14: 29-39
- Deepa Ananth* and C. S. James (2013) Performance Evaluation of Cassava hay based Complete Pelleted Ration on Growing Malabari kids. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition.Vol:30 (4)pp: 358- 364.Print ISSN : 0970-3209. NAAS) rating : 4.51 RII: 0.242 (ref 484
- Deepa Ananth1, U. Krishnamoorthy2, K. Chandrapal Singh3, R.G.Gloridoss4(2014) Effect of Tamarind seed tannin, Mulberry saponin and their combination on in-vitro dry matter degradability, gas and microbial biomass production of Aerobic rice straw
Paper presented at 14th Biennial animal Nutrition Conference conducted by the Animal Nutrition society of India at Pantnagar from 3-5th Nov,2011)
- Deepa Ananth1, U. Krishnamoorthy2, K. Chandrapal Singh3, R.G.Gloridoss4(2009) Quality evaluation of aerobic straw varieties for feeding dairy cattle using in-vitro techniques. Poster presented in the13th Animal Nutrition society of India held in Bangalore 16th to 19th Dec.2009.
- Deepa Ananth1, U. Krishnamoorthy2, K. Chandrapal Singh3, R.G.Gloridoss4(2009) Efficacy of supplementation of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) seed tannin to paddy straws on rumen biomass production Paper presented in the 13th Animal Nutrition society of India held in Bangalore 16th to 19th Dec.2009.