DEPARTMENT: Animal Breeding, Genetics & Biostatistics
Faculty & Staff
Dr Seena T X
Designation: - Assistant Professor
Mobile No: - 9495539063
Email ID: -
Educational Qualifications
Area of Research
Work Experience
- Won first prize for the State level Article writing competition conducted by Indian Veterinary Association, Kozhikode unit and IVA, Kerala Chapter on the topic ‘ആധുനിക കാലഘട്ടത്തിൽ വെറ്ററിനറി ഡോക്ടർമാരുടെ പങ്ക്’ during the month of November 2019.
- Won Second prize for State level Short story writing competition conducted by IndianVeterinary Association, Kozhikode unit and IVA, Kerala Chapter for the short story ‘നിറഭേദങ്ങൾ’ during the month of November 2019.
- Third Prize in essay writing competition in Malayalam on the topic Paristhithi samrakshanathinte Anukalika prasakthi’ 15.05.2020 in connection with World Veterinary Day 2020, Environmental protection for improving animal and human health’- jointly organized by IVA Kerala, and IVA CVAS, Mannuthy Unit, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Kerala, India.
- Won Second prize in National level essay writing competition on ‘Challenges and opportunities in AH sector post COVID-19’ (Pen it down) by IVA, Kozhikode unit and IVA Kerala chapter on 20.11.2020.
- Awarded Best article with first prize in the category of General zoonosis (Category Faculty) in International level Article writing competition, IVA, CVAS Mannuthy Unit, MTU- KVASU, AMST- World Zoonoses Day -2020- three days International Webinar on ‘Human- Animal- Environment Interface: Recent Approaches for Containing the Global Zoonotic Burden’ during 06.07.2020 to 08.07.2020
- Won Dr.C.M. Singh National award with first prize in National level essay writing competition in the category of academia and KVK scientist on the topic ‘How to increase the livestock farmers income’ conducted by Pasudhan Praharee on 30.11.2020
- First prize in National level review article writing competition for the article ‘Biosecurity measures for the prevention and control of poultry diseases’, held in connection with World Egg day 2020 organised by IVA, Mannuthy unit, MTU and AFST, Mannuthy on 20.10.2020
- Won third prize in egg based products demonstration competition held in connection with World Egg day 2020 organised by IVA, Mannuthy unit, MTU and AFST, Mannuthy on 20.11.2020
- Won first prize in oral presentation competition organized in association with World Veterinary Day 2021, International conference on ‘Relevance of Veterinary Profession during COVID-19 pandemic’, 16 th May 2021.
- Won second prize in National level review article writing competition for the article ‘Impacts of climate change in the emergence of viral zoonosis’ organized by World Veterinary Day 2021, organized by Indian Veterinary Association, Mannuthy Unit, CVAS, Mannuthy Unit, Kerala Veterinary &Animal Sciences University, Kerala, India.
- Won third prize in poem writing competition on the topic Ente Ormayile Nallonam, Onakkuttu- 2021, conducted by IVA, Kerala on 21.08.2021.
- Attended 3rd Orientation programme on ‘Strategic Management of Human Resources among Academia’. Academic Staff College, Directorate of entrepreneurship CVAS, Mannuthy, KVASU for 28 days (20.07.2018 -16.08.2018)
- Attended 2nd Refresher training on ‘Sharpening of soft skills in academia’ organized by Academic Staff College, Directorate of entrepreneurship, KVASU held on 03.07.2019- 16.07.2019.
- Successfully completed four days online training course on Basics of small animal laproscopy, Department of Veterinary surgery and Radiology, Mumbai Veterinary college , Parel, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery science Universiy, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, on 24.05.2020 to 27.05.2020
- Attended Three day Faculty Development Programme on Web Tools and Platforms for Online classes, Kerala Private College Teachers Association, Regional committee, Calicut University on 3,4 & 6 June 2020.
- Attended Online FDP on "Redefining Education Through Gamification - Teaching Learning Tools for Digital Era", Department of B.Com (AM&FS),PSGR Krishnammal College for Women,Coimbatore, 27th July 2020.
- Attended ISTE Sponsored Five Days Short Term Training Program on “Environmental Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Remedies through Science & Engineering”, Department of Applied Science, Poornima Institute of Engineering Technology Jaipur in association with RTU Kota on 27-31 July, 2020.
- Attended One - Day Online Training on “Interaction with Entrepreneur, IDP – NAHEP, College of Veterinary Sciences, Central Agricultural University, Selesih, Aizawal, Mizoram, 13th August, 2020.
- Attended Online International Training on ‘Fundamentals of equine locomotion, foot disorders and it’s therapeutics: A Farriery approach’ organized by College of Veterinary Science & A.H., Rewa (M.P.) from 17.08.2020 to 20.08.2020.
- Attended Online Training Programme on “Smart Dairy Farming: Boosting Productivity through Innovations.” NAHEP, Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology (CAAST), Directorate of Research, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-Gujarat (INDIA), 18.08.2020-22.08.2020.
- Attended one week e- course on “Basics of electrocardiography in dogs” webinar (e-CVE) Veterinary Internal and Preventive Medicine Society (VIPM) and Department of Veterinary Medicine, DUVASU, Mathura, from 17.08.2020 to 23.08.2020
- Attended 23 days National Webinar Series on Agricultural production and entrepreneurship development in Andaman Islands in COVID Scenario through Technological Interventions. Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU) & Priority Setting, Monitoring & Evaluation Cell of ICAR-CIARI, in Collaboration With NABARD, Port Blair, from 01.10.2020 to 23.10.2020
- Successfully completed the online MOOCs Programme on innovative ideas for entrepreneurship development in agri sector MANAGE, Hyderabad, India14.10.20-21.10.20.
- Attended Online Vocational Training on “Immunological Advancements in Male and Female Fertility” Conducted by Department of Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics in collaboration with Department of Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry, COVSAH, JAU, Junagadh under the patronage of Institutional Development Plan-ICAR, New Delhi & World Bank on 1st-5th September, 2020.
- Successfully completed the Basic Series of the Web of Science Training and certification Program 2020, Conducted by Clarivate, 07.09.2020
- Successfully completed One week FDP on statistical analysis using SPSS, Manonmaniyam Sundaranar University on 5.08.20-11.08.20
- Attended Three week Mooc phase II information handling skills for teaching, learning and research, organized by Professor Jayashankar Telungana state Agricultural University under ICAR-NAHEP held on 1st to 21st March 2021.
- International virtual training on Advanced microscopic techniques in Bio medical research Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, NTR College of Veterinary Science,Gannavaram, 2021 Jan 28-30.
- Three days "Online Training on Sandalwood" organized by Centre for Agricultural Market Intelligence, AAU, Anand and Chandan Vikas Asociation, Vadodara from 9th to 11th April, 2021.
- One week training program on "Statistical tools in Research and Data Analysis’ conducted by Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, CVAS, Parbhani, Mahareshtra, from 9.08.2021-14.08.2021
Research articles
- TX Seena, KC Raghavan and KA Mercy. 2012. Fecundity gene linked microsatellite markers in Malabari goats, Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 28 (2): 295-302.
- Archana SN, Justin Davis and Seena TX. 2019. Diseases of udder and teat, Journal of Engineering Research and application. 9 (2): 17-20.
- SN Archana, A Prasad, Justin Davis and TX Seena. 2019), Bovine Papillomatosis and its Treatment under Farm Condition, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2319-7706 8(4): 2880-2884.
- Seena TX, Archana SN, Amitha Thomas, Justin Davis and Metilda Joseph. 2021. Combined effect of treatment with intrauterine antimicrobials and GnRH on the conception rate of repeat breeder Frieswal cattle, Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 74(3): 271-273.
Book Chapters
- Seena.T.X. 2020. ‘Covid kalam ksheera karshakar ariyendathellam’ in the book Mrugaparipalanam sastrathinte vazhikal, published by Directorate of Entrepreneurship, KVASU, Mannuthy, ISBN:978-93-5408-070-8, 1st edition, pp 101-109
- Seena.T.X. 2020. ‘Role of wildlife in emergence of viral zoonosis’ in the book entitled Zoonoses Recent approaches to contain the global zoonosis burden. 1st edition 2020, pp 247, published by MTU, KVASU, IVA Mannuthy, ISBN : 978-93-5437-115-8
- T. X, Seena, S.N.Archana, Amitha Thomas, Biya Ann Joseph, K Shyama. 2020. ‘Treatment of endometritis with intrauterine antimicrobial combinations in Frieswal cattle’ in the book entitled Epistomological approaches to animal disease control control programmes, , pp 230, DVEPM, KVASU and IVA, CVAS, Mannuthy First edition page no. 109 -116, ISBN 978-93-5437-010-6
- Seena.T.X. 2020. Pandemic management of Veterinary health care sector in Kerala: The risk, resilience and Response, 4th Proceeding Volume of the 4th International conference for Disaster Risk and Vulnerability 2020 published as edited book volume. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), Kerala State Disaster Management Authority School of Environmental Sciences , Mahatma Gandhi University Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Published in collaboration with the Department of Printing and Publishing, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottaym, Kerala, India – 68656, ISBN number (9789380419534) pp 301-305.
Full paper published in compendium of seminar/ webinar proceedings
- Seena TX, Biya Ann Joseph and Shyama, K. 2020. Environmental factors affecting the spread of zoonotic diseases, E- Proceedings of Environmental protection for improving animal and human health, IVA, Kerala, IVA, Mannuthy unit, CV&AS, Mannuthy.
- Biya Ann Joseph, Seena.T X and Anil. K.S. 2020. Impact of ameliorative measures on the litter size of rabbits. Proceedings of 12th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress 2020, IVA, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. ISSN 2394- 255X, pp 260
- Seena TX, Archana, S.N, Sachu Zachariah John, Amitha Thomas, Justin Davis and Metilda Joseph , 2020. Seasonal effect on sex and birth weight of Frieswal calves in Kerala, Proceedings of International e- conference on Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on Agriculture and allied Sciences- ECPAAS-2020 organised by Society for Science and Nature.
- Seena TX, Archana, S.N, Amitha Thomas, Justin Davis and Metilda Joseph , Effect of GnRH administration on the conception rate in repeat breeder Frieswal cattle. . Proceedings of 12th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress 2020, IVA, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. ISSN 2394- 255X, pp 165
- Seena TX, Archana, SN, Amitha Thomas, Biya Ann Joseph and Shyama, K. Therapeutic efficiency of intrauterine antimicrobial combinations for endometritis treatment in Frieswal cattle under ideal farm conditions, Compendium of lead papers and abstracts (The competitor) in the National level online Research Paper Presentation Competition, LCVAS, AAU, North Lakhimpur.
- Seena TX, Raghavan KC, Mercey KM. 2018. Effect of season on litter size of Malabari goats in Kerala, Indian Veterinary Association, Proceedings of National Seminar on Role of Veterinary Profession in Sustainable development to improve livelihoods food security and safety- World Veterinary Day- 2018 on 28/04/2018 held at CVAS, Mannuthy, Kerala.
- Sathya P, Archana S. N, Justin Davis, Seena TX and Metilda Joseph. 2018. Detection of subclinical mastitis using different detergents, Indian Veterinary Association, Proceedings of National Seminar on Role of Veterinary Profession in Sustainable development to improve livelihoods food security and safety- World Veterinary Day- 2018 on 28/04/2018 held at CVAS, Mannuthy, Kerala.
- Seena TX, Amitha Thomas, Archana SN, Justin Joseph and Metilda Joseph. 2019. Management of Delayed puberty in Frieswal heifers. ISAPM, National Conference “Innovations in Animal Production for Sustainability and Doubling Farmers Income” organized by CVAS, Mannuthy, 23, 24, 25 of January 2019.
- Justin Davis, Archana Nair, Amitha Thomas, Seena TX and Metilda Joseph. 2019. Management of Cutaneous Myiasis in Frieswal Cattle, ISAPM, National Conference “Innovations in Animal Production for Sustainability and Doubling Farmers Income” organized by CVAS, Mannuthy, 23, 24, 25 of January 2019.
- Seena TX, Archana SN, Amitha Thomas, Justin Joseph and Metilda Joseph. 2020. Management of Theilariosis in a Frieswal Cattle Farm after the landslide in Kerala. 2020. Souvenier and abstracts (Online International Conference) on “Insights into wildlife conflicts, rescue and rehabilitation: Challenges and opportunities for Conservation” and 14th Annual Convention of Association of Indian Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians -Wildcon 2020, organised Wildlife Research & Training Centre, Gorewada Rescue centre, Nagpur & Association of Indian Zoos & Wildlife Veterinarians, held on 18-20 December 2020, pp 166.
- Seena TX, Biya Ann Joseph and K Shyama. 2020. Management of Lumpy skin disease in Frieswal cattle under farm conditions International Conference on ‘New Generation Vaccines and Animal Disease Control Strategies – Roadmap for enhancement of animal and human heath’ jointly organized by the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu, Thanjavur and Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Kerala, from 02.12.2020 to 04.12.2020.
- Seena TX. 2020. Effect of climate change on biodiversity of livestock, Compendium of Lead papers and Abstracts, National Web Conference on Enhancing Livestock Productivity for Food Security through Advanced Genetics and Reproductive Technique, organized by Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, India and MBAC, Agwanpur, Saharsa, ISBN 978-81-949290-1-7.
Popular articles
- Seena T X Alathara, P Sathya, Archana S N , Justin Davis, “Summer management in dairy farms” Keralakarshakan e- journal, Farm Information Bureau, Kerala, March 2018 V0l 5, issue 9, p. 98.
- P Sathya, C Srinivasan, A archana S N, Justin Davis, Seena T X. Health benefits of goat milk, Kerala karshakan e- Journal, Farm Information Bureau, Kerala, march 2018, vol.5,issue 9. P. 42
- Seena T X, Kanatha choodil thalarumbol, Karshakasree Magazine, Malayala Manorama, April 2018, P 98
- Seena TX, കൊടുംചൂടിൽ പാൽ ഉൽപ്പാദനം കുറയുമ്പോൾ ക്ഷീരകർഷകർ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കാൻ Mathrubhumi online daily, 19, April, 2018.
- Seena T X “തൊഴുത്തിൽ ഒരു കൊച്ചു വർത്തമാനം” Kerala Karshakan magazine, Farm Information Bureau, Kerala, May 2018, p 66
- Seena T X, പശുക്കൾ നടക്കാൻ പ്രയാസപ്പെടുന്നുണ്ടോ? ബ്ലോട്ട് രോഗത്തിന്റെ ലക്ഷണമാകാം. Mathrubhumi online daily, 22, May 2018.
- Seena. T .X. Arumakale thalolikkumbol, Karashakasree Magazine, Malayala Manorama, May 2018, p 74.
- Archana, S N, P Sathya, C Srinivasan, Justin Davis, Seena T X, Housing system of farm animals, Kerala karshakan e- Journal, Farm Information Bureau, Kerala June 2018,vol.5,issue 12 . P. 44
- Seena T X, “ശാസ്ത്രീയ തൊഴുത്ത് ശുചീകരണത്തിലൂടെ, മഴക്കാല രോഗങ്ങൾക്ക് വിട” , karshakan online, 9 June 2018
- Seena T X, മുടന്തൻ പനിയെ കരുതിയിരിക്കുക, Mathrubhumi daily, 13 June2018.
- Seena T X, എലിപ്പനി തടയാം.. കർഷകർ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക”. Mathrubhumi daily, 27 June 2018.
- Archana, S N, P Sathya, C Srinivasan, Justin Davis, Seena T X, Sanitisation of animal shelter, Kerala karshakan e- Journal, Farm Information Bureau, Kerala June 2018,vol.5,issue 12 . P. 41
- Seena T X,“മഴക്കാലത്ത് എലിപ്പനിയെ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക. കന്നുകാലികളിൽ നിന്ന് മനുഷ്യരിലേക്ക് പകരാം”, Mathrubhumi online daily, 19June 2018.
- .Seena T X, Kulambu rogam :Ksheeerakarshakar Bheethiyil, Mathrubhumi daily, 4 July 2018
- Seena T X, “മാംസോൽപ്പാദന രംഗത്തെ പുത്തൻ സാധ്യതകൾ” , Mathrubhumi daily, 11July 2018
- Seena T X,, “കുളമ്പുരോഗം കർഷകരുടെ പേടിസ്വപ്നമോ?” ,Mathrubhumi online daily,12 July 2018.
- Seena T X, മഴക്കാലം രോഗകാലം”,Kerala Karshakan magazine, Farm Information Bureau, Kerala July 2018,p 67.
- Seena T X,,ആൻറിബയോട്ടിക് ഉപയോഗിക്കുമ്പോൾ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക,Mathrubhumi online daily, 14 September,2018.
- Seena T X.ഗുണമേന്മയുള്ള പാല് എങ്ങനെ തിരിച്ചറിയാം? .Mathrubhumi online daily,12 Nov 2018
- Seena T X കന്നുകുട്ടികള്ക്ക് വിരമരുന്നുകള് നല്കേണ്ടതെപ്പോള് ..,Mathrubhumi online daily, 22 Nov 2018
- Seena T X ജനിച്ചയുടന് പശുക്കിടാവിന് കന്നിപ്പാല് നല്കുന്നത് എന്തിന്? ..Mathrubhumi online daily, 5 February 2019.
- Seena T X ശ്രദ്ധ വേണം കന്നുകുട്ടിക്കും വയറിളക്കം മരണകാരണമാകാം, Mathrubhumi daily, 6 February 2019.
- Seena T X Ushnakala paricharanam Adinum, Mathrubhumi daily, 13 March 2019.
- Seena T X. ചൂടുകാലത്ത് ആടുകള് ഒരു വശം ചരിഞ്ഞ് കിടക്കുന്നതെന്തിന്? Mathrubhumi online daily, 15 march 2019
- Archana S N, P Sathya, Justin Davis and Seena T X, Leptospirosis, Kerala karshakan online, April 2019
- Seena, T.X. Kalam mari kalitheettayum, Karshaka sree, May 2019
- Seena, T.X. Kodamthuruthinte Ksheerasagaram, Karshakan Magazine, Rashtra Deepika, Kottayam, ,May 2019
- Seena, T.X. Palulppadanathinu ayiram gunamulla shathavari, Kerala karshakan, Farm Information Bureau, Kerala June 2019
- Seena. T. X.,Bovine Ephemeral fever, Kerala Karshakan- ejournal, Farm Information Bureau, Kerala, March 2020
- Seena. T. X. Palilude covid pakarumo, KarshakaSree online magazine, Malayala Manorama,03.03.2019
- Seena. T. X. Kuranganpani ariyendathellam, Luca e –Magazine, 14.03.2020.
- Seena. T. X. Kozhikal nashttapedathirikkan venam venalkaala samrakshanam, Karshaka sree online magazine, Malayala Manorama, 09.03.2020
- Seena. T.X. Pakarchavyadhikal thadayan pakshimrigadigale valarthunnavar ariyendathu, Luca e –Magazine, Kerala Sastra Sahithya Parishad, 21.03.2020
- Seena. T. X, Mazhakkalam Varavayi Munkaruthal venam, Luca e- Magazine, Kerala Sastra Sahithya Parishad, June 2020
- Seena. T. X , Karuthal thudaghanam mazha ethum munpe , Karshakan Magazine, Rashtra Deepika, Kottayam, June 2020
- Seena. T. X , Covid munkaruthalukal ksheerakarshakarkkum farm thozhilalikalkkum, Kerala karshakan , FIB, Kerala, June 2020
- Seena T.X. Samkramika charma muzha rogathe karuthiyirikkuka , IVA Janamithra Farm Information face book page, 19.07.2021
- Seena. T. X , Pevishabadha nirmarjanam velluvilikal niranja douthyam, Karshaka sree e magazine, Manorama online,Sep 2020
- Seena. T.X. Muyaline naya kadichal enthu cheyyanam, udamasthar peikkendathundo? , Karshaka sree e magazine, Manorama online, Oct 2020
- Seena. T.X. Ullam kal karuthanam ullu pole , karshaka sree, Malayala Manorama,
- October 2020
- Seena. T.X. Pal kalayenda paneer nirmikkam, Karshakan, Rashtra deepika, May 2020
- Seena. T.X. Adika palil ninnu paneer nirmikkam, Mathrubhumi news paper, Mathrubhumi, 12.04.2020
- Seena. T.X. Theettayil alpam sredhichal venalilum ksheera samrudhi, Luca e –Magazine, Kerala sastra sahithya parishath, 26.04.2020
- Seena. T.X. Venaline athijeevikkan adukalkkum venam prathyeka paricharanam, Karshaka sree online magazine, Malayala Manorama, 29.4.20
- Seena. T.X. Arum vicharikkatha jolikal cheyyunnavar anu veterinary doctormar, enthokkeyanava?, Karshaka sree online magazine, Malayala Manorama, 25.04.20
- Seena . T.X.Manushyarkku mathramalla mruganghalkkum venam quarantine, Karshaka sree online magazine, Malayala Manorama, 10.4.20
- Seena . T.X. Covid -19 venam dairy farmil chila munkaruthalukal, Karshaka sree online magazine, Malayala Manorama, 7.4.20
- Seena . T.X. Blumea vishabadha pasukkalilum, Kerala Karshakan Magazine, FIB, TVM, April 2020
- Seena . T.X. Muyalinu Kadiyettal, Karshakan magazine, February 2021, p. 36
- Seena . T.X. ദിവസം 30 ലീറ്റര് പാല്, കേരളത്തിന് വേണം ഫ്രീസ് വാള് പശുക്കളെ..., Karshaka sree on line magazine04.03.2, 2021
- Seena. T. X. അകിടുവീക്കം മാത്രമല്ല അകിടുരോഗങ്ങൾ, portal, Luca e –Magazine, Kerala Sastra Sahithya Parishad , 23.03.2021
- Seena.T.X. വീനിങ് ഫലപ്രദമാക്കാം, പശുക്കളുടെ ഉൽപ്പാദനവർധനയ്ക്ക്: നേട്ടങ്ങളേറെ...Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 29.03.2021
- Seena. T. X. Frieswal sundarikal keralathinu anuyojyam, Karshakan Magazine, Rashtra Deepika, Kottayam,April , Pp 58-59
- Seena. T. X. Covid 19 prathirodha praavarthananghalil veterinary doctormarude panghu, Luca online science portal, Kerala Sasthrasahithya Parishad, 24.03.2021.
- Seena. T. X. Venam- Mruganghaludeyum manushyaarudeyum , kshemathinayulla Paristhitika suraksha, Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 24.04.2021
- Seena. T. X. കോവിഡാനന്തര വെല്ലുവിളികളും സാധ്യതകളും: മൃഗസംരക്ഷണ മേഖലയിൽ, Luca online science portal, Kerala Sasthrasahithya Parishad, 22.05.2021
- Seena. T. X. മഴക്കാലമാണ് എലിപ്പനിയെ കരുതിയിരിക്കുക, വളര്ത്തുമൃഗങ്ങള്ക്കും വേണം ശ്രദ്ധ... Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 24.05.2021
- Seena TX, Biya Ann Joseph, G. AJitkumar, Pulkrishikku super , K arshakasree, p 36, June 2021
- Seena. T.X, Pasuparipalanam Balapadanghal Arinju, Karshakan Magazine, Rashtra Deepika, Kottayam,June 2021, p 55-57
- Seena. T.X, മഴക്കാലത്ത് കിടാക്കള്ക്കു വേണം പ്രത്യേക പരിപാലനം; ശ്രദ്ധിക്കാനുണ്ട് ഒട്ടേറെ കാര്യങ്ങള് .Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama.
- Seena.T.X, Paristithi samsthapanathinte anukalika prasakthi, Karshaka sree online, Malayala manorama , June 5
- Seena. T.X, Adukalkku vilarcha soochika anusarichu viramarunnu nalkam, Luca e –Magazine, Kerala Sastra Sahithya Parishad June 18
- Seena. T.X, മാംസാവശിഷ്ടങ്ങള് പോലും അതിവേഗം കമ്പോസ്റ്റാക്കാം; മ്പൂര്മുഴി മോഡലിന് ഗുണങ്ങളേറെ, Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 22.07.2021
- Seena. T.X, 15 അടി ഉയരം വയ്ക്കുന്ന തീറ്റപ്പുല്ല്, ഫാമുകൾക്ക് മുതൽക്കൂട്ട്; സൂപ്പറാണ് സൂപ്പർ നേപ്പിയർ, Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 09.07.2021
- Seena. T.X, വളർത്തുമൃഗങ്ങൾക്ക് ലൈസൻസ് എന്തിന്? എന്തുകൊണ്ട്?... Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 16.07.2021
- Seena. T.X, ലോക ജന്തുജന്യരോഗദിനം ആചരിച്ചതിനു പിന്നാലെ കേരളത്തിൽ സിക്ക വൈറസ് രോഗം; ശ്രദ്ധിക്കേണ്ടത്, Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 09.07.2021
- Seena. T.X, കന്നുകാലികളിലെ അരിമ്പാറരോഗം: ഫലപ്രദമായ ആയുർവേദ ചികിത്സ പരിചയപ്പെടാം, Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 02.08.2021
- Seena T.X. കേരളത്തിലെ 40% പശുക്കളിലും ആശങ്കാജനകമായ രീതിയിൽ രോഗാണുക്കൾ-ശ്രദ്ധിക്കേണ്ടത്..., Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 19.08.2021
- Seena T.X. Kannukalikalum licencinghum, Karshakan Magazine, Rashtra Deepika, Kottayam, August Page no. 30-31
- Seena T.X. മൂത്രത്തിലൂടെ രക്തം നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട് മരണപ്പെടുന്ന പശുക്കള്: അറിയാം, പ്രസവാനന്തര ഹീമോഗ്ലോബിനൂറിയ, Karshakasree online, Malayala manorama, 28.08.2021
- Seena T.X. Arimbara chikilsichumattam, Karshakasree Magazine, Malayala manorama, September , 80