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FCDA Training Notification - ULF & FRDS Mannuthy | Rank List - Office Attendant(Employment Exchange through) -Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant under RF Project - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant Production Manager(Daily wage) - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy | Rank list - Junior Quality Control Officer - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuhty
Dr. Bindu K A
Designation: - Professor and Head, Sheep & Goat Farm, Mannuthy Address: - Sheep and Goat Farm ,Mannuthy Mobile No: - 9495131152, 0487 2961100 Email ID: - |
Animal Genetics and Breeding
● Head of the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, College of Veterinary and animal Sciences, Pookkode, Wayanad, Kerala (2011 to 2017 with 3 years of LWA in between)
● Professor and Head of Instructional Livestock Farm Complex (ILFC, Pookode)
● Head of Dairy Farm and Veterinary Hospital associated with the Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, Kerala.(Seven years and seven months)
● Farm Manager, All India Co-Ordinated Research Project on poultry for eggs, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala.(Eight months)
● Head of University Goat and Sheep Farm, Kerala Agricultural University (Seven months).
● Head (i/c) of the Rabbit Farm under the Department of Animal breeding and Genetics.(Two and a half years ).
● Chair person Womens Complaint Redressal committee at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Pookode and at CVAS mannuthy.
1.Winter school on recent concepts of production diseases in ruminants (Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, KAU)
2.Winter school on Recent developments in fermentation of milk (College of Dairy Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala)
3.Polymerase chain reaction and related techniques in disease diagnosis (Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University)
4.Current concept in Farm and Pet Animal Medicine (Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University)
5.Winter school on Bioinformatics (Kerala Agricultural University)
6.International Workshop on Animal Welfare Sciences at COVAS Mannuthy, Trichur. (Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences university in collaboration with The University of Edinburgh)
7.Training on Farm Animal Welfare at KVASU, Wayanad, India (Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences university in collaboration with The University of Edinburgh )
8.Management Development Programme on Academic Leadership for Excellence (Indian Institute of Management , Calicut, India)
Books/Book Chapters (International)
1. K.A.Bindu, A.Raveendran, S.Antony and K.V.Raghunandanan. Association of Myostatin gene (MSTN) polymorphism in economic traits in rabbits.Fibre production in South American camelids and other fibre animals. Wageningen Academic Publishers.ISBN-978-90-8686-172-9.
2. K.A.Bindu, K.C.Raghavan and S.Antony. Genetic diversity in Malabari goats. Fibre production in South American camelids and other fibre animals. Wageningen Academic Publishers.ISBN-978-90-8686-172-9.
Research Papers (5/36)
M. R. Akhila., K. A. Bindu., Elizabeth kurian., Siju Joseph., T. V. Aravindakshan. 2020. Molecular characterisation of Exon 14 of ITGβ6 gene in Vechur and Crossbred Cattle of Kerala. National Level Online Research Paper Presentation Competition. LCVSC.
Elizabeth Kurian, C.N. Dinesh, Reghu Ravindran, Naicy Thomas, Jain Jose, T.V. Aravindakshan, K. Raji and Bindu K.A. 2019. Differential mRNA expression profiling of taurus) cattle of Kerala in response to Rhipicephalus annulatus infestation. Int. J. Sci. Environ. Tech. 8 (4): 777 – 785
Elizabeth Kurian, C.N. Dinesh, Reghu Ravindran, Naicy Thomas, Jain Jose, K. Raji, K.A. Bindu and T.V. Aravindakshan. 2019. Evaluation of skin expression profiles in cattle of Bos indicus and Bos taurus lineage following Rhipicephalus annulatus infestation and molecular characterisation of S100A8 gene. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 8(7): 132-141
K.A. Bindu, B.Chandramohanan and A.Siby 2015. Characterisation of Myostatin gene in Rabbit. Journal of Molecular Genetics.7:1-4.
F. A. Lali and K.A. Bindu 2015. Association of leptin gene polymorphism and milk yield in cattle. Indian Vet. J. 92:55-56
K.A.Bindu, A.Siby , R.Yousef , B.Tahar , F.Robert , M.S.Rumaihi and H.K.Nuaimi. August 30th to September 1st 2016. Planned efforts consider genetic diversity in captive bred African Houbara bustards. International symposium on Conservation through sustainable use of wildlife. University of Queensland Australia 2016.
K.A.Bindu, K.C.Raghavan and S. Antony. 2010 . Genetic Diversity in Malabari Goats. 5th European Symposium on South American Camelids and First European meeting on Fibre Animals, Seville,Spain,6-8 Oct.