DEPARTMENT: Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension
Faculty & Staff
Dr.Jiji R.S.
Designation: - Professor & Head
Address: - Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, CVAS, Mannuthy
Mobile No: - 9446573117
Email ID: -
Educational Qualifications
- BVSc & AH (CVAS, Mannuthy)
- MVSc in Extension Education (IVRI, Bareilly, U.P.)
- PhD in Extension Education (IVRI, Bareilly, U.P.)
- PG Diploma in IPR (IGNOU)
Area of Research
Title : Developing a participatory settlement based animal farming model to enhance the income and Employment opportunity of tribal womenfolk of western ghat region of Kerala
- Outlay : 5.17 lakhs
- Funding Agency: ‘’ Planning and Economic affairs (E) Department, Govt. of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram on 30/04/2010.
- Duration : 2007-2010
Work Experience
- MDP on Implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing Regulations in Agriculture Research: Awareness Cum Sensitization Workshop (Online) 7-10 July 2020 by ICAR-NAARM
- EDP for Master Trainers on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Regulations in India and Nagoya Protocol (Online) 15 &17 July 2020 by ICAR-NAARM- Conducted as part of the UNDP-GEF Global ABS Project (Online)
- On-line Workshop cum Training on "Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Research and Education in India"12-28 September 2020, jointly organized by NAHEP and IPTMU
Books / Book chapters
- Anu George., Rajkamal, P.J. and Jiji, R.S. 2012. Participation of livestock farmers in democratic decentralization. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.96p.
- Anu George., Rajkamal, P.J. and Jiji, R.S. 2012. Democratic Decentralization-Awareness and attitude of livestock farmers. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing,72 p.
- Vrinda Menon, K., Lucy, K.M. and Jiji, R.S. (ed.) 2014. Introduction to Animal Welfare. Directorate of Entrepreneurship, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, 132 p.
- Kavithaa, N.V., Jiji, R.S. and Vimal Rajkumar, N. 2014. Perception of empowerment by the members of women self-help groups in goat farming. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 104 p.
- Jiji, R.S. and Rajkamal, P.J. 2014. Intellectual Property Rights in the Livestock Sector. Jaya Publishing House, Delhi, 118 p.
- Jiji, R.S. and Rajkamal, P.J. 2014. Animal Welfare and livestock farmers. Chapter in the book Introduction to Animal Welfare. Directorate of Entrepreneurship, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, pp. 107- 115.
Research Papers
- Chithra, C.C., Jiji, R.S., Rajkamal, P.J., Rajeev, T.S. and Mercey, K.A. 2016. Job satisfaction of scientists in the animal science research institutes of ICAR. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 47: 61-66.
- Chithra, C.C. and Jiji, R.S. 2018. Participatory SWOT analysis of the Intellectual Property Management System in the National Research Centre on Meat: strategic implications for technology management. International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research. 8: 53-66.
- Chandrasekharan, C. C. and Jiji, R.S. 2019. Intellectual property management at the National Animal Science Research Institute in India: A case study. Vet. World. 12(7): 1070-1077.
- Chithra Chandrasekharan, C., Jiji, R. S. and Letha Devi. 2020. Management of Intellectual Property in Animal Nutrition Research: A Case Study. JIVA, 18 (1): 51-66.
- Chithra Chandrasekharan, C., Jiji, R. S. and Sunanda, C. 2020. Potential of Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement in Technology Management: Perception among Animal Science Scientists. International Journal of Livestock Research, 10 (11): 149-157